Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Post-breeding dispersal of young Short-toed Eagles

Sep 30, 2015 / Comment

This article, which was published a year ago and was based on data collected in the Cévennes National Park (Parc national des Cévennes) /map/, is available now on the Le C.R.B.P.O. website:

Jean-Pierre Malafosse, Pierre Maigre, 2014 – Dispersion post-natale des jeunes Circaètes Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus [Post-breeding dispersal of young Short-toed Eagles] // Alauda, 82 (2): 81-84. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr).


Importance of natural habitats for STE in Israel

Sep 1, 2015 / Comment

The following new paper describes the relation of Short-toed Eagle population to the availability of natural habitats which are being used by them as breeding sites in the Judea region of Israel /map/:

• Ezra Hadad, Gilad Weil and Motti Charter, 2015 – The importance of natural habitats as Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) breeding sites // Avian Biology Research, 8 (3): pp. 160–166. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Thanks a lot to Dr. Motti Charter for sharing the file!


Fresh papers on ST Eagles by Guido Premuda

Aug 24, 2015 / Comment

Adult male Short-toed Eagle in flight. Photo by Guido PremudaSeveral new works on Short-toed Eagle have been published and included in Guido Premuda‘s Bibliography ( this year:

• Premuda G., 2015 – La migrazione dei rapaci sulle Alpi Apuane: campo Biancone marzo 2015 [The migration of birds of prey in the Apuan Alps /map/: March Short-toed Eagle camp 2015]. Infomigrans 34-2015. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It).

• Premuda G. & Belosi A., 2015 – Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus population increase in Italy: hypothesis of root causes // Avocetta 39: 13-17. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

• Premuda G., Belosi A., Viviani F. & Franchini M., 2015 – Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus population monitoring at the Apuane Alps migration watch-site (Tuscany) // Avocetta 39: 5-12. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


September Conference in Italy, the 2nd circular

Aug 4, 2015 / Comment

Please check out the 2nd circular with the full program of the September Conference on Short-toed Eagle and conservation of Mediterranean Raptors (It): Programma del Convegno “Sotto il segno del biancone” [Program of the meeting “Under the Sign of Short-toed Eagle”] – Short-toed Eagle. file; the last corrected version of the second day’s agenda – Short-toed Eagle. file.

Under the Sign of Short-toed Eagle

Our sincere gratitude to Francesco Petretti again!


Distribution of ST Eagle in Switzerland in the XX century

Jul 31, 2015 / Comment

The represented article contains the detailed history of records of Short-toed Eagles in Switzerland almost within a century of observations:

• Kéry, M. & B. Posse, 1998 – Auftreten des Schlangenadlers Circaetus gallicus in der Schweiz von 1900 bis 1993 [Distribution of the Short-Toed Eagle in Switzerland from 1900 to 1993] // Der Ornithologische Beobachter, 95: 39-54. – Short-toed Eagle. file (De).


General info on STE in Poland, Ukraine and Bulgaria

Jul 30, 2015 / Comment

Just some articles containing basic facts on distribution, biology and ecology of Short-toed Eagles in Poland, Ukraine and Bulgaria:

• J. Hordowski, 2015 – Gniazda i lęgi ptaków Polski [Polish birds’ nests and broods]: Gadożer Circaetus gallicus – pp. 515-522. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Pl).

С. Домашевський, К. Письменний, 2009 – Змієїд Circaetus gallicus // Червона книга України. Тваринний світ [Red book of Ukraine. Animals]: p. 425. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Uk).

• B. Tonchev, T. Petrov, S. Stoychev, E. Stoynov, K. Velev, 2007 – Орел змияр Circaetus gallicus // Атлас на гнездящите птици в България [Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria]: pp. 138-139. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Bg)(En).