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Section of the LPO website dedicated to ST Eagle

Dec 22, 2013 / Comment

Circaète - LPO Mission rapacesJust a few words about a section of the LPO (Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux) Mission rapaces website. The section is dedicated to Short-toed Eagle and consists of the following subsections:

› Actualitésnews, also you can subscribe to the feeds;

› Le Circaètegeneral info about Short-toed Eagle in France;

› Suivi et conservationmonitoring and conservation;

› Sensibilisationsources of detailed information;

› Les acteurs locauxlocal stakeholders in a map.

Now the section is updated regularly. Please subscribe to the news via RSS to be notified about news.


Le Circaète en Basse Provence. Richard Frèze’s website

Oct 7, 2009 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. Le Circaète en Basse Provencee
This little website about Short-toed Eagles in Provence /map/ contains different information (Fr):
› general points on Circaetus gallicus;
› information on the area I study and on habits of birds in our country;
› data on reproduction from 2002 to 2009 of all the pairs studies, › some statistical data, › some photos, › some studies results or anecdotes and › different links to other websites.

All the subsections are being updated along the year. In fact the main aim of the site is to present data on the Short-toed Eagles of the south of France where they do not have been study until now.


New section about Sameh’s study

Apr 16, 2007 / 2 Comments
Sameh's contact information

Just a few words about a section dedicated to the subject of Sameh’s research “Agricultural influences on the ecology of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in the Judean slopes” /map/ on The Jerusalem Bird Observatory website.

The section, which can be rated as an independent site, includes such subsections as Gallery, Team, Research, Transmitters & Migration, About me and so on. You can find there notes and many photos illustrating the study development.