Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Study of raptor migration at the eastern Black Sea flyway

Jan 29, 2020 / Comment

BRC. Short-toed Eagle migration trendsThe Batumi Raptor Count monitors the autumn migration of more than 1 million raptors including thousands of ST Eagles along the eastern Black Sea coast in Georgia at the Batumi bottleneck /map/.

• Wouter M.G. VANSTEELANT, Jasper WEHRMANN, Dries ENGELEN, Johannes JANSEN, Brecht VERHELST, Rafa BENJUMEA, Simon CAVAILLÈS, Triin KAASIKU, Bart HOEKSTRA & Folkert de BOER, 2019 – Accounting for differential migration strategies between age groups to monitor raptor population dynamics in the eastern Black Sea flyway // Ibis. doi:10.1111/ibi.12773Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Also, other publications are available at the BRC site.


Video of Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine in 2017-19

Dec 29, 2019 / Comment

This video footage is made up of short parts shot in Northern Ukraine within 2017-2019 years during field observations at Short-toed Eagles’ breeding and hunting areas. The attention was aimed rather at various kinds of behaviour, including territorial conflicts, training of juveniles, individual behavioural features of particular birds.


Colour-ringing of Short-toed Eagles in Hungary

Nov 28, 2019 / Comment

Gábor Papp has collected and summarized information about colour-ringing of Short-toed Eagles in Hungary. The program has been continued for 7 years. The current numbers of ringed eagles, observations and photographing of the birds, prospects of new resightings are describedJuvenile Short-toed Eagle A30 in the communication:

• Gábor PAPP, 2019 – Results of the colour-ringing scheme of the Short-toed Eagle in Hungary between 2013 and 2019 // (En).


Papers on ST Eagles available on ResearchGate

Nov 27, 2019 / Comment

The following papers about Short-toed Eagle mentioned on HoverOverUs before have recently appeared on ResearchGate portal in free access:

Sameh DARAWSHI, Yossi LESHEM and Uzi MOTRO, 2017 – Aggregations and Dietary Changes of Short-toed Snake-Eagles: A New Phenomenon Associated with Modern Agriculture // Journal of Raptor Research, Vol. 51 (4): pp. 446-450. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Luca BAGHINO, 2012 – Analisi dell’andamento delle popolazioni di biancone Circaetus gallicus e falco pecchiaiolo Pernis apivorus in migrazione nella ZPS “Beigua-Turchino” (GE) [Analysis of the evolution of the Short-toed Snake Eagle and Honey Buzzard populations in migration in the SPA “Beigua-Turchino”] // In Mezzavilla F., Scarton F., 2013. Conference: II Convegno Nazionale Rapaci Diurni e Notturni, At Treviso, Volume: Quaderni Faunistici – n. 3: pp. 133-138. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Continuation of STE tracking from Southern Italy

Oct 14, 2019 / 3 Comments

Short-toed Eagle tracking on the MEDRAPTORS websiteEgidio is an adult Short-toed Eagle male tagged with a satellite transmitter being a chick in the Regional Park Gallipoli Cognato /map/ in 2013. He successfully bred in 2019 and had his own fledgling. The juvenile Short-toed has been tagged with a transmitter as well and named Michele after late Michele Panuccio. The tracker was installed at the end of July by Michele’s friends, members of the Mediterranean Raptor Migration Network: Ugo Mellone, Nicolantonio Agostini, Giuseppe Lucia and Vicente Urios (, MEDRAPTORS Facebook).

Current tracks of both the eagles are available on the project page.

Please read the obituary for Michele Panuccio:

• Nicolantonio AGOSTINI and Ugo MELLONE, 2019 – Obituary – Michele Panuccio, 1976-2019 // Avocetta, 43 (1): pp. 95-96. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


La Plume du Circaète n° 18

Oct 8, 2019 / Comment
Circaète Jean-le-Blanc on the LPO website

La Plume du Circaète n° 18 – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} was released and timed to the 5th Circaetus meeting in Gémenos; with full-size images (8.9 MB) – Short-toed Eagle. file. The list of contents:


· Two Short-toed Eagles in Oise
· Reproduction in Eure
· Survey in Isère
· Predations in Lozère

News from Hérault


· Switzerland · Hungary · Lithuania · Italy

Many thanks to Bernard Joubert, Jean-Pierre Malafosse, Renaud Nadal and all the authors of the bulletin for sharing their data and ideas!