Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Yoram Shpirer’s Short-toed Eagle story

Aug 17, 2006 / Comment

Just look at these pages. It’s difficult to make comments… Many photos made by Yoram Shpirer with the professional equipment disclose secrets of Short-toed Eagles’ life. The title of the main page is highly exact, this is the photographic story of Eagles’ abode:

If you want to see the larger size of the photos you can use URL, as an example:


Bernard Joubert & Jean-Pierre Malafosse

Aug 5, 2006 / Comment

This is one more general information on the species:

• MALAFOSSE J.-P. et JOUBERT B., 2004 – Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus (Gmelin) 1788 // in Thiollay J.-M. et Bretagnolle V. (coord.), Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris: pp. 60-65. (Fr).

…but, Jean-Pierre Malafosse with group of researchers had traced more than 400 cases of Short-toed Eagles breeding just till 2000 in the so-called Massif Central /map/. And their researches are continuing. Just think about it…

Bernard Joubert /map/ is an author of the “Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc” book; see an extract from it (Fr) about the youngs’ behaviour after leaving the nests.


PBase Photo Database

May 17, 2006 / Comment

This is the great collection of photos including photos of Short-toed Eagle. Some of them also can be found on other websites, but anyway this compilation is noteworthy. Images size is about 800×600 px. Search results on the database are represented below.


Translatable form of Premuda’s articles

May 7, 2006 / Comment

We have transformed some articles from the (see the post Guido Premuda’s works) into the form that is suitable for the machine translation:

• PREMUDA G., 2002 – Primi dati sulla migrazione post-riproduttiva del Biancone, Circaetus gallicus, nelle Alpi Apuane [Autumn migration of Short-toed Eagle in the Apuane Alps] // Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 71(2): 181-186. (It).

AGOSTINI N., BAGHINO L., COLEIRO C., CORBI F. & PREMUDA G., 2002 – Circuitous autumn migration in Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus // Journal of Raptor Research., 36(2): 111-114. (En).

• PREMUDA G., 2004 – La migrazione del Biancone Circaetus gallicus in Italia: stato delle conoscenze attuali [The Short-toed Eagle migration in Italy: current state of knowledge]. In: Atti del Convegno “Rapaci in volo verso l’Appennino” // Corpo Forestale dello Stato – Gestione ex ASFD di Lucca – Riserva Naturale Statale dell’Orecchiella, 21-24. (It).

• PREMUDA G., 2004 – Osservazione di un dormitorio di Biancone, Circaetus gallicus, e considerazioni sul piumaggio degli immaturi [Observation of a roost composed of seven individuals of Short-toed Eagle and notes about plumage of immatures] // Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 74(1): 76-80. (It).


Oriental Bird Club Image Database

Apr 16, 2006 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. OBI search results for Circaetus gallicus

Here you can find the search results for photos of Short-toed Eagle in the Oriental Bird Club Image Database. At this moment there are 23 photos there, no thumbnails, but you can view them all one by one, just clicking on the “next“. In other respects this gallery has an assortment of the traditional information: author, place, equipment etc. The images sizes are up to 600 px. gallery

Apr 4, 2006 / Comment

Just visit another photo gallery on the website, that contains images of Short-toed Eagles in flight mostly. The same rules as for many other galleries are actual for this one too, just don’t forget to revisit it for the new photos.