Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Max Montaina’s photo album

Jan 29, 2006 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. Montaina's photos

One of photo albums of wildlife photographer Max Montaina. This work is dedicated to the adult and immature Short-toed Eagles. They are photographed on the ground at a short distance. Resolution of the photos is about 800×600 px.


Bernd-Ulrich Meyburg’s satellite telemetry

Jan 20, 2006 / Comment

Articles of Bernd-Ulrich and Christiane Meyburgs dedicated to the satellite telemetry of migrating Short-toed Eagles (source – website of Bernd-U. and Christiane Meyburg – Raptor Research):

Meyburg, B.-U., & C. Meyburg, 1999 – NASA-Satelliten im Dienste der Vogelforschung: Mit dem Schlangenadler nach Westafrika // Der Falke, 46: 164-177. – Short-toed Eagle. file (De).

Bernd-U. Meyburg, Christiane Meyburg & Jean-Claude Barbraud, 1998 – Migration strategies of an adult Short-toed Eagle tracked by satellite // Alauda, 66 (1): 39-48. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).



Jan 5, 2006 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. TrekNature search results for Circaetus gallicus

The TrekNature gallery contains photos (800×600 px) of Short-toed Eagles from different countries and many comments on them in different languages. All photos are divided on the geographic basis. See also: close-up and flying from results of the search for «eagle».