The compilation of the annual gallery for 2017 has been finished. Photos taken in Northern Ukraine depict well-known and new individuals of the monitored pairs. Only 36 out of thousands of pictures taken with the main purpose to regularly identify local Short-toed Eagles individually have been selected for the represented gallery.
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Distribution of breeding pairs in Central and NE Italy
Jan 30, 2018 / CommentThe following papers are describing the distribution of Short-toed Eagle in central and north-eastern regions of Italy, and the related issues:
• Jacopo G. CECERE, Michele PANUCCIO, Andrea GHIURGHI, Ferdinando URBANO, Simona IMPERIO, Claudio CELADA, Pascual LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ, 2018 – Snake species richness predicts breeding distribution of Short-toed Snake Eagle in central Italy // Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 30 (2): 178-186. – (En) /map/.
• Roberto GUGLIELMI, Gerardo FRACASSO, Gianfranco MARTIGNAGO, Francesco MEZZAVILLA, Angelo NARDO, Miro TASSO, Danilo TROVATO, Antonio VALENTE, 2016 – Distribuzione del Biancone Circaetus gallicus nell’alto trevigiano: metodi di indagine e risultati preliminari [Short-toed Eagle distribution in the high trevigiano: survey methods and preliminary results] // Gli Uccelli d’Italia, 41: 76-84. – ; the related Conference paper –
(It) /map/.
GPS-GSM tagging of Short-toed Eagles in Hungary
Oct 14, 2017 / CommentWithin the framework of the Turjánvidék LIFE project, which aims the preservation of habitats of such species as the endangered Hungarian Meadow Viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis), two Ecotone GPS-GSM trackers were bought in 2016. The main aim was to follow the life of a Short-toed Eagle pair residing close to and hunting regularly on viper habitats. Since the capture of the adult male failed in 2017, experts marked the offspring of this pair with the transmitter /map/. The chick was named Örs, an ancient Hungarian name meaning «human», «man» or «hero» but also a name of a Hungarian tribe from ancient times.
Örs left the natal area on October 1st and its tracks can be followed on SATELLITETRACKING.EU.
The other transmitter was deployed on a repatriated individual in 2016, which died two months later in Poland. Its tracks are not available on the aforementioned website yet, however, another post will appear here if so.
Photos of Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine in 2017
Jun 30, 2017 / CommentCompiling of the next annual gallery has been started, the gallery of photos taken in different regions of Northern Ukraine this year. Each Short-toed Eagle identified individually is indicated, as always, in captions by a letter and a year of the first representation in photo galleries on the site. The collection will be updated after the season.
Lozère & the Cévennes National Park. Overview for 2016
Mar 29, 2017 / CommentJust one more annual overview of Short-toed Snake Eagle monitoring in the Cévennes National Park /map/ and Lozère for 2016:
• Jean-Pierre et Isabelle MALAFOSSE, 2016 – Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc, résultats pour 2016. Suivi des Rapaces forestiers en Lozère et dans le Parc National des Cévennes [Short-toed Eagle, results for 2016. Monitoring of Raptors in Lozère and in the Cévennes National Park], rapport interne C.R.B.P.O./ P.N.C.: 10 p. –
(En) {rough translation}.
Great thanks to Jean-Pierre and Isabelle for sharing this, to Ferenc and Gábor Papp for their kind help in the translation of the text to English!
STE in Northern Ukraine. Video & data on breeding. 2016
Mar 26, 2017 / CommentShort videos representing scenes of life of Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine have been compiled from those that were shot in previous year. Also, you can view here a few tables containing statistical data collected in the region within 2004-2016 years and processed to a certain extent.
They include: general breeding success, frequency of nesting tree change, distances between two nesting trees occupied by one pair in two consecutive seasons and between all nesting trees at the same breeding sites, nesting tree diameter, nest height, mean nest departure dates, reproduction rate of certain pairs.
Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine. Photos of 2016
Jan 31, 2017 / CommentHere is the next annual gallery of pictures taken in Kiev, Chernihiv and Sumy Regions of Northern Ukraine in 2016. Short-toed Eagles of local pairs monitored during more than 10 years are captured in them. All the birds are indicated in captions by a letter and a year of the first representation in photo galleries on our site, starting with A11 – the old, very striped and dark-spotted, rather small but aggressive female living in the Mizhrichynskyi Nature Park /map/.