This video footage is made up of short parts shot in Northern Ukraine within 2017-2019 years during field observations at Short-toed Eagles’ breeding and hunting areas. The attention was aimed rather at various kinds of behaviour, including territorial conflicts, training of juveniles, individual behavioural features of particular birds.
Category: People › P › PISMENNYI Konstantin ›
GPS-GSM tracking of ST Eagle from Western Ukraine
Oct 5, 2019 / CommentA juvenile Short-toed Eagle was released after a month spent in the Rehabilitation Centre «Вільні Крила» (Free Wings) at the vicinity of Lviv /map/ (Western Ukraine) at the end of September.
For the last week, that eagle named Java has covered 330 km and reached Romania. The young short-toed tries to stick to areas potentially rich in snakes, such as numerous river floodplains. You can follow the eagle on the map of its migration which is daily updated.
That bird had been contused about two weeks after leaving the nest. Viktor Shelvinskyi and Pavlo Kruchok provided the best conditions to recover young Short-toed Eagle as quickly as possible. An installation of the Ecotone GPS-GSM transmitter was provided by Andrew Simon as a part of the project on Greater Spotted and Short-toed Snake Eagles in Northern Ukraine launched this year.
Short-toeds in Northern Ukraine. Photos of 2018-2019
Aug 31, 2019 / 1 CommentThe photo collection of the previous year has been continued in 2019. All individuals have their unique index like K11m, where the last letter means sex: m – male, f – female, if it is known for certain. This is the continuation of a story in pictures of permanent annual monitoring of Short-toeds in Northern Ukraine which has been made for more than 15 years.
Northern Ukraine. STE in pictures in 2018
Jul 31, 2018 / CommentCurrently, 7 nests of Short-toed Eagles are controlled in 3 Regions of Northern Ukraine. All those pairs have chicks this year. It is of great interest to know the final result of the reproduction season in this area. The gallery will be updated after the end of the season, however, now we can see some pictures of the old acquaintances again.
La Plume du Circaète: STE in Northern Ukraine (En)
May 14, 2018 / CommentThe English (En) version of that article with links to more pictures:
• Konstantin PISMENNYI, 2018 – Le circaète dans le nord de l’Ukraine : état et avenir des populations, observations sur quelques couples et individus [The Short-toed Snake Eagle in Northern Ukraine, the population state and outlook, observations of certain pairs and individuals] // La Plume du Circaète n° 16-17: pp. 11-15.
Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine, 2017 (part II)
Feb 28, 2018 / CommentThe compilation of the annual gallery for 2017 has been finished. Photos taken in Northern Ukraine depict well-known and new individuals of the monitored pairs. Only 36 out of thousands of pictures taken with the main purpose to regularly identify local Short-toed Eagles individually have been selected for the represented gallery.
Photos of Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine in 2017
Jun 30, 2017 / CommentCompiling of the next annual gallery has been started, the gallery of photos taken in different regions of Northern Ukraine this year. Each Short-toed Eagle identified individually is indicated, as always, in captions by a letter and a year of the first representation in photo galleries on the site. The collection will be updated after the season.