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Just some pictures from Northern Ukraine

Jun 28, 2013 / 1 Comment
PISMENNYI K. 2013. Northern Ukraine

This gallery contains some photos of Short-toed Eagle taken in Northern Ukraine this year. As usual, it is planned to be updated with new pictures if I manage to take something interesting. They may be not as of high quality as of interest for Short-toed Eagle watchers. That is why all of them are commented in detail. Single eagles are named individually with alphanumeric code, for example: “A11” means bird “A” of the gallery of 2011, but “A” without a number here means that the individual has not been marked yet in previous galleries.


Francesco Petretti’s site contains info about ST Eagle

Jun 3, 2013 / Comment
Search results for «biancone» on Francesco Petretti's website

Please visit a website of Francesco It is updated weekly and you can find on it reports about observations of Short-toed Eagles in Central Italy /map/ containing some photos of them. There are several ways to get information on the subject: to search by keywords, for example, «Circaetus»; just to use the tags, such as «Short-toed Eagle» or «Biancone» etc.


Articles on ST Eagle available online

May 28, 2013 / Comment

The first article is placed on the LPO Coordination Rhône-Alpes website and dedicated to Short-toed Eagles of the Rhône Department /map/:

• Bertrand DI NATALE, 2005 – Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus dans le Rhône [Short-toed Eagle in the Rhône] // L’EFFRAIE, La revue du CORA Rhône, n° 16: P. 33-38. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr).

The next two texts can be viewed on the DZPPS site. They are about observations of Short-toed Eagles in Serbia, in Northern Bačka /map/ and also in the Vršac Mountains /map/ (Sr):

• O. Sekereš, 2008 – Dugotrajno zadržavanje zmijara Circaetus gallicus na području Bačke i Banata tokom 2008 [Long-term stay of Short-toed Eagle in Bačka and Banat during 2008] // Ciconia, 17: P. 34-37. – Short-toed Eagle. file.
• M. Vučanović, 2008 – Podaci o biologiji gnežđenja zmijara Circaetus gallicus na Vršačkim planinama [Data on breeding biology of Short-toed Eagle in the Vršac Mountains] // Ciconia, 17: P. 38-43. – Short-toed Eagle. file.

A full text of the following new article is not available for free, but you can view the abstract and references (En):

Michele Panuccio and Nicolantonio Agostini, 2013 – Visible Migration of Short-Toed Snake-Eagles: Interplay of Weather and Topographical Features // Journal of Raptor Research, 47(1): P. 60-68.


Popular article in Terre Sauvage about ST Eagles

Mar 24, 2013 / Comment

Please, enjoy the article published in Terre Sauvage and pictures of Short-toed Eagles adorning the text. These magnificent photos are taken by professional nature photographer David Allemand who has worked on the eagles in the Natural Regional Park of the Verdon /map/ during three years:

David Allemand's galleries

• Johannes BRAUN, 2013 – Circaète Jean-le-Blanc. Chasseur d’écailles [Short-toed Eagle. Hunter for scaly ones] // Terre Sauvage, n° 290, Mars-Avril: pages 38-44. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr). The article was prepared in collaboration with Jean-Pierre Malafosse, Bernard Joubert and Renaud Nadal.


New article on sexing of Short-toed Eagle nestlings

Jan 21, 2013 / Comment

We offer you the summary (En) of the following article dedicated to sexing of Short-toed Eagle and Common Buzzard nestlings:

Short-toed Eagle female arriving to the nest. Photo by Jean-Pierre Malafosse

• Jalby V., Malafosse J. P., Nore T. et Wink M., 2012 – Détermination, par la biométrie, du sexe des poussins chez deux espèces de rapaces Circaetus gallicus et Buteo buteo. Comparaison avec les Autours des palombes Accipiter gentilis et les Buses variables adultes [Nestling sexing by biometric and molecular analysis in two diurnal raptors, Circaetus gallicus and Buteo buteo. Comparison with the Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and adult Buzzards] // Alauda, 80 (3): 187-202.

The biometric data on Short-toed Eagle nestlings were collected by Jean-Pierre Malafosse in Cévennes National Park /map/.


Story of Short-toed Eagle ringed by Francesco Petretti

Jan 20, 2013 / Comment

A story of life and death of one Short-toed Eagle ringed by Francesco Petretti in Western Central Italy /map/ in 1989 is represented below:

The eagle was born on the 18th of May 1989 in Tolfa Hills, 40 km north of Rome. The parental pair built the nest on a very large deciduous oak tree covered with ivy on the north facing slope of the hill, at 400 metres of altitude.

«Short-toed Eagle killing Common Whip Snake» by PETRETTI F.

On the 27th of June 1989 P0845 reached the maximum weight of 1,800 grams, then the weight decreased, as it is usual among fledging eagles in the study area, and on the 17th of July, when the eagle left the nest, she weighed 1,680 grams. She was fitted with a backpack radio for ground telemetry and moved within the home range for a couple of months. Contact with her was lost on the 20th of September 1989, when the eagle probably left the area to reach the wintering ground in Africa.

On the 16th of September 2012 the body of P0845 was found dead at a distance of only 9 km from the ringing site. The body was brought to the Raptor Center in Vico Lake Nature Reserve, but death causes are unknown. P0845 was at least 23 years and 4 months old and I suppose this is a longevity record for the species.