The next live broadcast of the same Short-toed Eagles’ nest in the Judean Foothills /map/ has been started by Guilad Friedemann and the team on April 4th. As in the two previous years, the stream can be watched on the Israeli Birding Portal. More details are available on the Israel Raptor Nest Cam Facebook page.
Category: People ›
Monitoring in the Alpes de Haute-Provence in 2017
Mar 9, 2018 / CommentPlease, read the next review by Cédric Arnaud:
• Cédric ARNAUD, 2017 – Suivi du Circaète Jean-le-blanc dans les Alpes de Haute-Provence. Rétrospective 2017 [Monitoring of Short-toed Eagle in the Alpes de Haute-Provence. Review for 2017]: 27 p. – (Fr) {rough translation}.
The list of contents (Fr): Partenaires – 2; Zone d’étude – 3; Résultats du suivi 2017 (résultats, répartition) – 4; Résultats du suivi de la reproduction (données chiffrées, discussion, taux de reproduction et effort de suivi, échantillon de suivi) – 9; Visite des nids en fin de saison de reproduction (arbres supports, emplacement des nids, matériaux de construction) – 12; Régime alimentaire – 17; Demandes particulières de suivi ou d’intervention avant travaux – 17; Interventions d’information, de sensibilisation et d’échanges – 18; Observations particulières – 20; Fiche de dérangement – 23; Centres de sauvegarde de la faune sauvage et circaètes blessés – 23; Base de données en ligne et accessibilité aux partenaires – 24; Participants – 24; Campagne de suivi & objectifs 2018 (échéances, objectifs) – 26; Résumé – 27.
Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine, 2017 (part II)
Feb 28, 2018 / CommentThe compilation of the annual gallery for 2017 has been finished. Photos taken in Northern Ukraine depict well-known and new individuals of the monitored pairs. Only 36 out of thousands of pictures taken with the main purpose to regularly identify local Short-toed Eagles individually have been selected for the represented gallery.
An article on ST Eagle aggregations and dietary changes
Jan 30, 2018 / CommentThe represented article by Sameh Darawshi and others has been recently published in the latest issue of the Journal of Raptor Research:
• Sameh DARAWSHI, Yossi LESHEM and Uzi MOTRO, 2017 – Aggregations and Dietary Changes of Short-toed Snake-Eagles: A New Phenomenon Associated with Modern Agriculture // Journal of Raptor Research, Vol. 51 (4): pp. 446-450. (En).
Distribution of breeding pairs in Central and NE Italy
Jan 30, 2018 / CommentThe following papers are describing the distribution of Short-toed Eagle in central and north-eastern regions of Italy, and the related issues:
• Jacopo G. CECERE, Michele PANUCCIO, Andrea GHIURGHI, Ferdinando URBANO, Simona IMPERIO, Claudio CELADA, Pascual LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ, 2018 – Snake species richness predicts breeding distribution of Short-toed Snake Eagle in central Italy // Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 30 (2): 178-186. – (En) /map/.
• Roberto GUGLIELMI, Gerardo FRACASSO, Gianfranco MARTIGNAGO, Francesco MEZZAVILLA, Angelo NARDO, Miro TASSO, Danilo TROVATO, Antonio VALENTE, 2016 – Distribuzione del Biancone Circaetus gallicus nell’alto trevigiano: metodi di indagine e risultati preliminari [Short-toed Eagle distribution in the high trevigiano: survey methods and preliminary results] // Gli Uccelli d’Italia, 41: 76-84. – ; the related Conference paper –
(It) /map/.
Bernard Joubert’s article on communication of ST Eagles
Dec 10, 2017 / CommentThe following paper by Bernard Joubert on Short-toed Snake Eagle communication abilities was recently published:
• Bernard JOUBERT, 2017 – Circaète Jean-le-Blanc : des "mots" pour le dire [Short-toed Eagle: "words" to tell] // Rapaces de France, n° 19: pp. 54-55. – (Fr) {rough translation}.
The summary
Short-toed Snake Eagles have the rich social language, various tools which help them to express their intentions and relation to behaviour of other representatives of their species. The main problem of studying their behavioural language is defined by difficulties of correct interpretations. Besides various vocal signals, these eagles reveal a rich body language vocabulary, thanks to the extraordinary plasticity of their plumage, which is used for hovering in different airflows while hunting. Simplistically, 3 types of signals are identified: those related to movements, postures and holding of plumage.
› Examples of the gestural communication are: aggressive demonstratively slow and strong wing-beats, so-called «vulture» flights, territorial «festoon» display flights.
› Communicating through postures includes: an aggressive «albatross» posture, a posture of «angel» which is used for marking a chosen nest for the partner.
› Communicating through appearance changes at close contacts comprises states of occipital feathers and pupil size, which can express both tension and relaxation of birds.
This brief review is nothing more than an invitation to observe and puzzle out those various and subtle means of ST Eagles’ communication.
GPS-GSM tagging of Short-toed Eagles in Hungary
Oct 14, 2017 / CommentWithin the framework of the Turjánvidék LIFE project, which aims the preservation of habitats of such species as the endangered Hungarian Meadow Viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis), two Ecotone GPS-GSM trackers were bought in 2016. The main aim was to follow the life of a Short-toed Eagle pair residing close to and hunting regularly on viper habitats. Since the capture of the adult male failed in 2017, experts marked the offspring of this pair with the transmitter /map/. The chick was named Örs, an ancient Hungarian name meaning «human», «man» or «hero» but also a name of a Hungarian tribe from ancient times.
Örs left the natal area on October 1st and its tracks can be followed on SATELLITETRACKING.EU.
The other transmitter was deployed on a repatriated individual in 2016, which died two months later in Poland. Its tracks are not available on the aforementioned website yet, however, another post will appear here if so.