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Short-toed Eagle diet in NW Italy within 1990-1996

Aug 31, 2017 / Comment

This old paper, dedicated to study of Short-toed Eagle diet in the Capanne di Marcarolo Natural Regional Park /map/ at the end of XX century, is available on the Carmagnola Natural History Museum site:

Massimo CAMPORA, Silvia ALBERTI, 1997 – Osservazioni sulla dieta del biancone (Circaetus gallicus) in un’area dell’Appennino settentrionale [Observations on Short-toed Eagle diet in Northern Appennines (Italy, NW)] // Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale, 18: 233-239. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It).


Photos of Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine in 2017

Jun 30, 2017 / Comment

PISMENNYI K. 2017. Northern UkraineCompiling of the next annual gallery has been started, the gallery of photos taken in different regions of Northern Ukraine this year. Each Short-toed Eagle identified individually is indicated, as always, in captions by a letter and a year of the first representation in photo galleries on the site. The collection will be updated after the season.


About the first nesting in Switzerland once again

Jun 30, 2017 / Comment

The article by Lionel Maumary and others contains the detailed description of the first ST Eagle breeding in Switzerland /map/ in 2012, observations of the breeding biology and the diet data particularly:

Pictures of the Short-toed Eagle pair taken in 2008, 2010 and 2012 by Lionel Maumary and others• Lionel MAUMARY, Hubert DUPERREX, Jacques CLOUTIER, Laurent VALLOTTON, 2013 – Première nidification du Circaète Jean-le-Blanc (Circaetus gallicus) en Suisse – Observations sur la biologie de reproduction, en particulier le régime alimentaire [The first nesting of Short-toed Snake Eagle in Switzerland – Observations of the reproductive biology, and the diet] // Nos Oiseaux, 60: pp. 3-24. (Fr) {rough translation}.


Short-toed Eagle in the NW of Smolensk Region

May 31, 2017 / Comment

The article by Marina Sidenko dedicated to that case of Short-toed Eagle breeding on an artificial platform in the national park "Smolenskoe Poozerje" /map/ was published in Russian Ornithological Journal (Русский орнитологический журнал). Also, her work in cooperation with Viktor Belik is worthy of the special attention (Ru):

• Марина СИДЕНКО, 2017 – Гнездование змееяда Circaetus gallicus на искусственной гнездовой платформе в национальном парке «Смоленское Поозерье» [Nesting of the Short-toed Snake Eagle on an artificial platform in the National Park "Smolenskoe Poozerje"] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 26, Экспресс-выпуск 1427: 1372-1375. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.

• Марина СИДЕНКО, Виктор БЕЛИК, 2012 – О гнездовании змееяда на северо-западе Смоленщины [On breeding of the Short-toed Eagle in the NW part of the Smolensk Region, western European Russia] // Орнитология, Вып. 37: С. 118-123. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.


Breeding biology & interactions of STE & LLB in Israel

May 30, 2017 / Comment

The recently accepted article of Guilad Friedemann and others is a result of the study of interspecific interactions between Short-toed Eagles and Long-legged Buzzards and their breeding in the Judean Slopes /map/:

• Guilad FRIEDEMANN, Yossi LESHEM, Lior KEREM, Avi BAR-MASSADA & Ido IZHAKI, 2017 – Nest-site characteristics, breeding success and competitive interactions between two recently sympatric apex predators // Ibis. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/ibi.12498; the Supplementary online material – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


La Plume du Circaète n° 13-14-15

Apr 30, 2017 / Comment
La Plume du Circaète on the LPO website

This issue of La Plume du CircaèteShort-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} contains materials of the 4th meeting of the Short-toed Snake Eagle French national network, conducted in Roquefixade (Ariège) on October 8-9, 2016. The list of contents (En):

· 4 years of observations on 30 sq. km in Aveyron
· Monitoring of a population on an area of Ariège
· Monitoring in the Marseille region
· Study of a reproduction using a photo-trap
· Monitoring, research and conservation in the Alpes de Haute-Provence
· Short-toed Snake Eagle in forest management
· Three behaviours: nest change; interspecific relationships; festoon flights
· General review of monitoring in the Aude
· Ageing of Short-toed Eagle chicks

Many thanks to Bernard Joubert, Jean-Pierre Malafosse, Manon Munoz, Renaud Nadal and all the authors of the bulletin for sharing knowledge!


Live broadcast of Short-toed Eagle nest, 2017

Apr 5, 2017 / 1 Comment

Live broadcast from Short-toed Eagle nestGuilad Friedemann and the team started the live stream of another nest of the same Short-toed Eagle pair in the Judean Foothills /map/ this year, since April 2nd. As well as last year, the broadcast is available on the Israeli Birding Portal. For more details, also, please visit the Facebook community page of the Israel Raptor Nest Cam project.