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Oriental Bird Club Image Database

Apr 16, 2006 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. OBI search results for Circaetus gallicus

Here you can find the search results for photos of Short-toed Eagle in the Oriental Bird Club Image Database. At this moment there are 23 photos there, no thumbnails, but you can view them all one by one, just clicking on the “next“. In other respects this gallery has an assortment of the traditional information: author, place, equipment etc. The images sizes are up to 600 px. gallery

Apr 4, 2006 / Comment

Just visit another photo gallery on the website, that contains images of Short-toed Eagles in flight mostly. The same rules as for many other galleries are actual for this one too, just don’t forget to revisit it for the new photos. gallery

Mar 27, 2006 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. search results for Culebrera

Here you can find some selection of photos of Short-toed Eagles on gallery. Birds are close (even very close) and distant, sitting and flying. Single and companion portraits are represented on the site with a lot of comments (Es) on them. Resolution of the images is about 600×400 px. The content of this gallery is being updated quite often, just check it from time to time. compilation

Feb 12, 2006 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. compilation

Presentation of complete information on Short-toed Eagle located on the Have a look at photos from some photographers and read one more generic description (Fr) of the species and presentation of Bernard Joubert‘s book. Also we would like to direct your attention to a part of the Histoire naturelle des oiseaux (Fr) dedicated to Short-toed Eagle (in the form of scans) and to the photos selection particularly.


Max Montaina’s photo album

Jan 29, 2006 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. Montaina's photos

One of photo albums of wildlife photographer Max Montaina. This work is dedicated to the adult and immature Short-toed Eagles. They are photographed on the ground at a short distance. Resolution of the photos is about 800×600 px.