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Short-toed Eagles of Kiev Region

Dec 16, 2005 / Comment

Sergey Domashevsky’s article about Short-toed Eagle population of Kiev Region (Ukraine) /map/:

• С. В. Домашевский, 2005 – Распространение, численность и миграции змееяда (Circaetus gallicus) в Киевской области [Distribution, numbers and migrations of the Short-toed Eagle in Kiev Region] // Заповідна справа в Україні, 11 (1): 45-49. (Ru).

Its summary (En) and illustrations:

Some photos of Kiev Region’s Short-toed Eagles and their breeding places:

Short-toed Eagle. Konstantin Pismennyi. 2005

And a water-colour painting of flying Short-toed Eagle made by an artist Igor Zemlyanskih: