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Staying in N France and migration in S Turkey

Oct 31, 2018 / 1 Comment

Two Short-toed Eagles together, Brassoir - 2016 / by Rémi MalignatHenry de Lestanville describes in his paper staying of 2 Short-toed Eagles at Brassoir in summer 2016 and the current status of the species in Picardy /map/:

• Henry DE LESTANVILLE, 2018 – Stationnement de deux Circaètes Jean-le-blanc Circaetus gallicus à Brassoir en 2016 [Staying of two Short-toed Eagles at Brassoir in 2016] // Avocette, 42 (1) – Revue naturaliste de Picardie Nature: pp. 3-8. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr).

An impressive number of ST Eagles migrating at Sarimazi, Southern Turkey /map/, in autumn 2018 is reported on the Egyptian Vulture New LIFE site: 10853. This raises a lot of questions about real strength of their streams from Eastern Europe. Many thanks to Gábor Papp for sharing!