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Search Results for: Malafosse

ROMERO C. 2010

Sep 30, 2012 / Comments Off on ROMERO C. 2010

Examining the possible effect of forest area, abundance of snakes and snake species richness on the abundance of short-toed eagle, in Spain. Ciro Patricio Romero March, 2010 Course Title: Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modeling and Management Level: Master of Science (M.Sc.) Course Duration: September 2008 March 2010 Consortium partners: University of Southampton […]

3rd French national Short-toed Eagle meeting

Aug 24, 2012 / Comment

The 13th and 14th October 2012 will be held the 3rd French national Short-toed Eagle meeting in Florac (Lozère) – centre of the Cévennes National Park /map/. This gathering of French specialists will be open to any foreign colleagues who want to participate. Program Saturday 13th oct / from 9h30 until evening : indoor conferences. […]

Circaetus gallicus specialists’ meeting in France

Jul 31, 2012 / 1 Comment

The Circaetus gallicus specialists’ meeting is planned to be held this year in Florac /map/. Please view the informational letter prepared by Bernard Joubert, Jean-Pierre Malafosse and Renaud Nadal: (Fr). Such, already traditional, meetings are important for establishing closer contacts between the Short-toed Eagle watchers from different regions of France and also of other countries […]

Texts by Authors G-N

Dec 31, 2010 / Comment

Authors O-Z »N↓M↓L↓K↓J↓I↓H↓G↓« A-F GALUSHIN V. 1959 – Some data on the Short-toed Eagle breeding in Ryazan’ Region (Ru) {post}; GALUSHIN V. 1980 – Raptors of Forest. Short-toed Eagle (Ru) {post}; GAVRILENKO N. 1929 – The birds of the Government of Poltava. Short-toed Eagle (Ru) {post}; – GÉE LH. 1989 – Stay of a Short-toed […]

Circaetus Gallicus Contact Group (CGCG)

Apr 17, 2010 / Comment

If you have a message for us, people who watch and study Short-toed Eagles in different regions of different countries, just use this address: The list is sorted alphabetically and includes SURNAME Name – Main region of observation of Short-toed Eagles (Country) /map/. Currently we are: ALBESA Louis – Seine-et-Marne Department (France); ARNAUD Cédric […]

Various Images

Jan 3, 2010 / Comment

All our galleries are collected here. They are sorted by author and year, named after regions, and listed with links to the corresponding posts: BELIK V. 2008 Volgograd Region. Russia {post}; BESKARAVAYNYI M. 2013 Crimean Peninsula. Ukraine {post}; BLASCO-ZUMETA J. 2006 Retuerta de Pina. Spain {post}; DARAWSHI S. 2006 Judean Slopes. Israel {post}; DOMASHEVSKY S. […]


Nov 29, 2009 / Comment

Гнездование змееяда (Circaetus gallicus Gm.) в Киевской области и проблемы его адаптации к хозяйственной деятельности человека К. А. Письменный Украинский центр исследований хищных птиц, г. Киев, Украина Змееяд (Circaetus gallicus Gm.) относится к редким и малоизученным видам хищных птиц в Украине. Наши наблюдения за гнездованием змееяда в Киевской обл. и приграничной части регионального ландшафтного парка […]


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