Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Sameh Darawshi’s research

Dec 30, 2006 / No Comments

This not big text written by Sameh Darawshi represents his project of researching Short-toed Eagles:

Sameh Darawshi, 2006 – Aggregation, movement dynamics and feeding habits of the Short-toed Snake-Eagle in relation to agricultural activities in the Judean slopes // (En) /map/.

This text may be regarded as a preview of the great and long-term research of Short-toed Eagles in the Middle East. – search engine

Dec 16, 2006 / No Comments

This is a special search engine for information on different species of plants and animals. Some abstracts and full texts of articles about Short-toed Eagles can be found by it. The search results include some texts that already were briefly described on HoverOverUs • Short-toed-Eagle, but not only them. Also iSpecies uses Yahoo’s Image Search web service and allows to get information concerning the genome of the bird. database

Nov 12, 2006 / 1 Comment search results for Slangenarend photos is a popular Netherlandish database of observations on plants and animals in the nature. Such form of the data keeping becomes more and more useful according to accumulation of the data with the increased pithiness of observations (Nl). All records are connected with the on-line map; some of them contain photos and comments.