Circaetus gallicus information navigator compilation

Feb 12, 2006 / No Comments
Short-toed Eagle. compilation

Presentation of complete information on Short-toed Eagle located on the Have a look at photos from some photographers and read one more generic description (Fr) of the species and presentation of Bernard Joubert‘s book. Also we would like to direct your attention to a part of the Histoire naturelle des oiseaux (Fr) dedicated to Short-toed Eagle (in the form of scans) and to the photos selection particularly.


Abstracts and short texts selection

Feb 4, 2006 / No Comments
2 articles 2004-2005

This is just selection of links on miscellaneous texts and abstracts of articles about Short-toed Eagles. So…

Some abstracts can be found on the NCBI website with PubMed database:

• Sacchi P, Soglia D, Maione S, Meneguz G, Campora M, Rasero R, 2004 – A non-invasive test for sex identification in short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) // Mol Cell Probes, Jun 18 (3): 193-6. (En).

• Martin GR, Katzir G, 1999 – Visual fields in Short-toed Eagles, Circaetus gallicus (Accipitridae), and the function of binocularity in birds // Brain Behav Evol, 53 (2): 55-66. (En).

Short-toed Eagle. Milivoj Vuchanovich's photos
Few photos taken by Milivoj Vuchanovich with short text (En) is located among notes about Rare Birds Of Vršac Mt. (Serbia Montenegro). The same subject:
• Rašajski, J. & Vučanović, M., 1999 – Orao zmijar (Circaetus gallicus) nova gnezdarica Vršačkih planina (Sr). Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) – a new breeder of Vrsacke Mountains, fourth article with summary (En) (source – Zetna website).

The encyclopedic compilation of information (Es) among other things has extensive ornithological bibliography concerning researching of Short-toed Eagle. The source is a site of the Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles.