This video footage is made up of short parts shot in Northern Ukraine within 2017-2019 years during field observations at Short-toed Eagles’ breeding and hunting areas. The attention was aimed rather at various kinds of behaviour, including territorial conflicts, training of juveniles, individual behavioural features of particular birds.
Posts tagged ‘chick’
Colour-ringing of Short-toed Eagles in Hungary
Nov 28, 2019 / CommentGábor Papp has collected and summarized information about colour-ringing of Short-toed Eagles in Hungary. The program has been continued for 7 years. The current numbers of ringed eagles, observations and photographing of the birds, prospects of new resightings are described in the communication:
• Gábor PAPP, 2019 – Results of the colour-ringing scheme of the Short-toed Eagle in Hungary between 2013 and 2019 // (En).
LTO projects on Short-toed Eagle in SE Poland
Apr 29, 2019 / CommentThe Lublin Ornithology Society started their projects on GPS-GSM telemetry of local adult Short-toed Eagles in 2012. Some results of them are available on sites of the society, as well as conservation programs. Just use the Polish name of the species «Gadożer» as a search word to find info regarding Short-toeds in the submitted files:
• LTO, 2017 – Strategia Ochrony Ptaków Strefowych na Lubelszczyźnie [Strategy for the conservation of nest zone protected birds in the Lubelszczyzna region]: 94 p. – (Pl).
• LTO, 2018 – Project Report. Ochrona rzadkich ptaków strefowych w wybranych obszarach Natura 2000 na Lubelszczyźnie [Protection of rare zone birds in selected Natura 2000 areas in the Lubelszczyzna region]: 50 p. – (Pl).
• LTO, 2018 – After-life Conservation Plan. Ochrona rzadkich ptaków strefowych w wybranych obszarach Natura 2000 na Lubelszczyźnie [Protection of rare zone birds in selected Natura 2000 areas in the Lubelszczyzna region]: 21 p. – (Pl).
• LTO, 2019 – Conservation of nest zone protected birds in the selected Natura 2000 sites in the Lubelszczyzna region – LIFE+ FINAL Report: 101 p. – (Pl) (En).
Also, you can read some fresh news about observations of local Short-toed Eagles on the LTO page on Facebook, and enjoy this short video taken at the nest of a pair where the male is tagged with the GPS-GSM transmitter.
Collection of video footages about Short-toed Eagles
Dec 30, 2018 / CommentPlease enjoy this selection of more or less extraordinary videos of Short-toed Eagles feeding their chicks and hunting, roosting, hovering etc.:
Wonderful photos are also presented in the listed footages.
Short-toed Eagles in Croatia. Photos and a video
Nov 30, 2017 / CommentOne more collection of amazing moments of Short-toed Eagles’ nesting life in Croatia are brought to your attention. Please, note: both mates of that pair are coloured very typically for their sexes. This excellent gallery of pictures and videos taken by a nature photographer Ante Karanušić can be viewed on his site.
GPS-GSM tagging of Short-toed Eagles in Hungary
Oct 14, 2017 / CommentWithin the framework of the Turjánvidék LIFE project, which aims the preservation of habitats of such species as the endangered Hungarian Meadow Viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis), two Ecotone GPS-GSM trackers were bought in 2016. The main aim was to follow the life of a Short-toed Eagle pair residing close to and hunting regularly on viper habitats. Since the capture of the adult male failed in 2017, experts marked the offspring of this pair with the transmitter /map/. The chick was named Örs, an ancient Hungarian name meaning «human», «man» or «hero» but also a name of a Hungarian tribe from ancient times.
Örs left the natal area on October 1st and its tracks can be followed on SATELLITETRACKING.EU.
The other transmitter was deployed on a repatriated individual in 2016, which died two months later in Poland. Its tracks are not available on the aforementioned website yet, however, another post will appear here if so.
STE in Northern Ukraine. Video & data on breeding. 2016
Mar 26, 2017 / CommentShort videos representing scenes of life of Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine have been compiled from those that were shot in previous year. Also, you can view here a few tables containing statistical data collected in the region within 2004-2016 years and processed to a certain extent.
They include: general breeding success, frequency of nesting tree change, distances between two nesting trees occupied by one pair in two consecutive seasons and between all nesting trees at the same breeding sites, nesting tree diameter, nest height, mean nest departure dates, reproduction rate of certain pairs.