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Posts tagged ‘comments’

Just some pictures from Northern Ukraine

Jun 28, 2013 / 1 Comment
PISMENNYI K. 2013. Northern Ukraine

This gallery contains some photos of Short-toed Eagle taken in Northern Ukraine this year. As usual, it is planned to be updated with new pictures if I manage to take something interesting. They may be not as of high quality as of interest for Short-toed Eagle watchers. That is why all of them are commented in detail. Single eagles are named individually with alphanumeric code, for example: “A11” means bird “A” of the gallery of 2011, but “A” without a number here means that the individual has not been marked yet in previous galleries. database

Nov 12, 2006 / 1 Comment search results for Slangenarend photos is a popular Netherlandish database of observations on plants and animals in the nature. Such form of the data keeping becomes more and more useful according to accumulation of the data with the increased pithiness of observations (Nl). All records are connected with the on-line map; some of them contain photos and comments. gallery

Mar 27, 2006 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. search results for Culebrera

Here you can find some selection of photos of Short-toed Eagles on gallery. Birds are close (even very close) and distant, sitting and flying. Single and companion portraits are represented on the site with a lot of comments (Es) on them. Resolution of the images is about 600×400 px. The content of this gallery is being updated quite often, just check it from time to time.