The photo collection of the previous year has been continued in 2019. All individuals have their unique index like K11m, where the last letter means sex: m – male, f – female, if it is known for certain. This is the continuation of a story in pictures of permanent annual monitoring of Short-toeds in Northern Ukraine which has been made for more than 15 years.
Posts tagged ‘individual’
Northern Ukraine. STE in pictures in 2018
Jul 31, 2018 / CommentCurrently, 7 nests of Short-toed Eagles are controlled in 3 Regions of Northern Ukraine. All those pairs have chicks this year. It is of great interest to know the final result of the reproduction season in this area. The gallery will be updated after the end of the season, however, now we can see some pictures of the old acquaintances again.
Short-toed Eagles in flight. Northern Ukraine. 2014
Nov 22, 2014 / CommentThese fragments of Short-toed Eagles’ flights have been shot at their breeding territories and hunting grounds in Kiev Region /map/ and in Mizhrichynskyi Park /map/ this year. The video is commented on, please, pay attention on subtitles. You can see eagles A11, B11, K11 and L11 in the clip. Certainly, also other more melodious names were given them for routine use. These STEs occupy their breeding sites within the same home ranges from year to year since at least 2006 and 2010. For a regular observer every bird has obvious individual traits. The video without compression can be downloaded.
Moulting of the biggest flight feathers of ST Eagles
Oct 31, 2013 / Comment During 10 years of observations in Central Northern Ukraine (Kiev Region /map/, Mizhrichynskyi Park /map/) a lot of photos of several the same Short-toed Eagles have been taken. Some of them can be viewed in the galleries (just an example). Since Short-toed Eaglers’ the biggest flight feathers are often seen from a great distance they are easily recognizable in photos. Especially it concerns 4th-10th primaries of both wings. Accumulation of data allowed to determine inter-moulting periods of certain feathers:
• K. PISMENNYI, 2013 – Short-toed Eagle. Replacement of the biggest 14 flight feathers // – (En).
First of all, the results might be of interest as additional information for recognizing individuals in the nature from year to year, together with individually typical plumage colouration and silhouettes in flight at certain angles in certain poses. Regular photographing of Short-toed Eagles at their breeding sites and foraging grounds allows to distinguish them with high probability without special marking, without stressing and often even without disturbing the birds at all.