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Posts tagged ‘Kopetdag’

Work of S.A.Bukreev on the Kopetdag Short-toed Eagles

Jan 7, 2010 / Comment

Results of many years’ study of Short-toed Eagle biology in the south-western Kopetdag /map/ by Sergey Bukreev are presented in the following article:

• Букреев С.А., 1996 – Материалы по биологии туркестанского змееяда (Circaetus gallicus heptneri; Falconiformes Accipitridae) на юго-западном Копетдаге [Notes on the biology of Circaetus gallicus heptnery in the south-western Kopetdag] // Зоол. журн., т.75, вып.5. – С. 726-735. (Ru).