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Posts tagged ‘Slangenarend’

Circaetus gallicus in the Netherlands and Eastern Slovakia

Nov 27, 2014 / Comment

We try to not miss an appearance of papers about Short-toed Eagle on the Web. Every freely accessible article is added to the collection, a kind of specialized library. Certainly, the majority of them aren’t new, but they are not of less interest due to this. The following ones can be viewed on websites of the journal of ornithology Tichodroma and of, Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology:

• Štefan Danko, Jozef Mihók & Štefan Pčola, 2007 – Hniezdenie a výskyty hadiara krátkoprstého (Circaetus gallicus) na východnom Slovensku [Breeding and occurrence of the Short-toed Eagle in Eastern Slovakia] // Tichodroma 19: pp. 75–86. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Sk) /map/.

• Arjan Boele, Erik van Winden & Rik Winters, 2013 – Slangenarend en Noordse Nachtegaal nieuw in het BSP: van dwaalgast tot broedvogel? [Short-toed Eagle and Thrush Nightingale in the BSP: from accidental to breeding?] // Sovon-Nieuws, jaargang 26, nr 1: pp. 5-6. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Nl).