Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Short note about diet of Short-toed Eagle in NW Spain

Jul 29, 2013 / Comment

The following text is available now on the Spanish Herpetological Society website:

• A. Acuña Rodríquez, F. Martinez-Freiría, G. Velo-Antón, 2013 – Ingesta de tres especies de herpetos (Bufo calamita, Anguis fragilis, Vipera seoanei) por un ejemplar de águila culebrera (Circaetus gallicus) abatido en un parque eólico [Three species are found in a Short-toed Eagle killed by wind farm] // Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, vol. 24(1): Pre-publication, ms685. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Es) /map/.


Just some pictures from Northern Ukraine

Jun 28, 2013 / 1 Comment
PISMENNYI K. 2013. Northern Ukraine

This gallery contains some photos of Short-toed Eagle taken in Northern Ukraine this year. As usual, it is planned to be updated with new pictures if I manage to take something interesting. They may be not as of high quality as of interest for Short-toed Eagle watchers. That is why all of them are commented in detail. Single eagles are named individually with alphanumeric code, for example: “A11” means bird “A” of the gallery of 2011, but “A” without a number here means that the individual has not been marked yet in previous galleries.


Francesco Petretti’s site contains info about ST Eagle

Jun 3, 2013 / Comment
Search results for «biancone» on Francesco Petretti's website

Please visit a website of Francesco It is updated weekly and you can find on it reports about observations of Short-toed Eagles in Central Italy /map/ containing some photos of them. There are several ways to get information on the subject: to search by keywords, for example, «Circaetus»; just to use the tags, such as «Short-toed Eagle» or «Biancone» etc.


Short notes on Short-toed Eagles in Russia and Belarus

May 31, 2013 / Comment
One of Short-toed Eagle nests observed by Dr. V. Ivanovski in Vitebsk Region. Photo by wildlife photographer Kestutis Chepenas, 2009

These notes have been published in Russian Ornithological Journal (Русский орнитологический журнал):

• М. В. Патрикеев, 2008 – О кормлении птенца змееяда Circaetus gallicus [Notes about feeding a chick of Short-toed Eagle] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 17, Экспресс-выпуск 419: 765-766. (Ru) /map/. The first publication: Патрикеев М.В., 1988 – О кормлении птенца змееяда // Тез. докл. 12-й Прибалт. орнитол. конф. Вильнюс: 175-176.

• В. С. Жуков, 2012 – Змееяд Circaetus gallicus, могильник Aquila heliaca и другие редкие птицы на севере Новосибирской области [Short-toed Eagle, Imperial Eagle and other rare birds in the north of Novosibirsk Region] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 21, Экспресс-выпуск 792: 2149-2161. (Ru) /map/.

• Г. В. Линдеман, 2013 – Змееяд Circaetus gallicus в Волжско-Уральском междуречье [Short-toed Eagle in a region between the Volga and the Ural Rivers] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 22, Экспресс-выпуск 839: 154-155. (Ru) /map/. The first publication: Линдеман Г.В. 1986 – Краткие сообщения о змееяде (Уральская область) // Редкие животные Казахстана. Алма-Ата: 111-112.

Also please pay attention to the short text regarding the first observation of Short-toed Eagle in Eastern Trans-Baikal:

• О. А. Горошко, 2012 – Первая встреча змееяда Circaetus gallicus (Gmelin, 1788) в Восточном Забайкалье [The first record of Short-toed Eagle in Eastern Trans-Baikal Region] // Байкальский зоологический журнал, n° 3 (11): С. 135. (Ru) /map/.


Articles on ST Eagle available online

May 28, 2013 / Comment

The first article is placed on the LPO Coordination Rhône-Alpes website and dedicated to Short-toed Eagles of the Rhône Department /map/:

• Bertrand DI NATALE, 2005 – Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus dans le Rhône [Short-toed Eagle in the Rhône] // L’EFFRAIE, La revue du CORA Rhône, n° 16: P. 33-38. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr).

The next two texts can be viewed on the DZPPS site. They are about observations of Short-toed Eagles in Serbia, in Northern Bačka /map/ and also in the Vršac Mountains /map/ (Sr):

• O. Sekereš, 2008 – Dugotrajno zadržavanje zmijara Circaetus gallicus na području Bačke i Banata tokom 2008 [Long-term stay of Short-toed Eagle in Bačka and Banat during 2008] // Ciconia, 17: P. 34-37. – Short-toed Eagle. file.
• M. Vučanović, 2008 – Podaci o biologiji gnežđenja zmijara Circaetus gallicus na Vršačkim planinama [Data on breeding biology of Short-toed Eagle in the Vršac Mountains] // Ciconia, 17: P. 38-43. – Short-toed Eagle. file.

A full text of the following new article is not available for free, but you can view the abstract and references (En):

Michele Panuccio and Nicolantonio Agostini, 2013 – Visible Migration of Short-Toed Snake-Eagles: Interplay of Weather and Topographical Features // Journal of Raptor Research, 47(1): P. 60-68.