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Synthèse 2011 by Richard Frèze

Dec 17, 2011 / 1 Comment
Short-toed Eagle, by Richard Frèze. 2011. Mâle de Fontblanche

Please, appreciate the synthesis of 10-years observations on Short-toed Eagle in Provence /map/ made by Richard Frèze:

• Richard Frèze, 2011 – Étude d’une population de Circaètes sur le massif de la Sainte-Baume et les collines environnantes [Study of Short-toed Eagle population on the Massif de la Sainte-Baume and the surrounding hills] – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation}.


Migrations of juvenile Short-toed Eagles from S.Spain

Nov 30, 2011 / Comment

The following paper was already mentioned on HoverOverUs. Now the PDF of it is available on the website:

Pavón D., Limiñana R., Urios V., Izquierdo A., Yáñez B., Ferrer M. & de la Vega A., 2010 – Autumn migration of juvenile Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus from southeastern Spain // Ardea, 98 (1). P. 113–117. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En) /map/.


Migrations of juvenile Short-toed Eagles from S.Italy

Nov 27, 2011 / Comment

A new paper on the circuitous migration of Short-toed Eagles from southern Italy /map/ to Africa has been published:

Mellone U., Limiñana R., Mallìa E. & Urios V., 2011 – Extremely detoured migration in an inexperienced bird: interplay of transport costs and social interactions // Journal of Avian Biology 42: 468-472. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

The PDF can be found on Ugo Mellone’s website.


Some photos of Short-toed Eagles in Eastern Kazakhstan

Oct 30, 2011 / Comment

Short-toed Eagle nest in Eastern KazakhstanThese photos of Short-toed Eagle nest were taken by Sergey Domashevsky this year during an expedition to Eastern Kazakhstan /map/. You can read about the expedition in detail on the UBPRC website. The photographed Short-toed Eagle nest was situated very low above the ground on the saxaul, that is typical for the semi-desert zone. The parents were still incubating their egg at the end of June.


Feeding of Short-toed Eagles in northeastern Greece

Oct 29, 2011 / Comment

A new work of Dimitris E. Bakaloudis and Christos G. Vlachos on feeding of Short-toed Eagle in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli National Park /map/ is published on the Journal of Biological Research website:

• Dimitrios E. Bakaloudis, Christos G. Vlachos, 2011 – Feeding habits and provisioning rate of breeding short-toed eagles Circaetus gallicus in northeastern Greece // Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki 16: 166 – 176. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Satellite tracking of Short-toed Eagles in Italy. 2011

Sep 25, 2011 / Comment
Progetto Biancone: Dalla Basilicata le prime aquile italiane marcate con trasmittente satellitare

The satellite tracking project continues in Southern Italy this year. Three juvenile Short-toed Eagles were tagged with transmitters in Regional Park Gallipoli Cognato /map/. The project is managed by Giuseppe Lucia and Ugo Mellone (University of Alicante). Maps with the tracks are available on the Regional Park Gallipoli Cognato website.


Summering areas of non-breeding Short-toed Eagles

Jul 26, 2011 / Comment

A new short report about summering immature Short-toed Eagles in Africa has been published. We express our gratitude to Ugo Mellone for placing the PDF version of it on his website:

Ugo Mellone, Beatriz Yáñez, Rubén Limiñana, A.-Román Muñoz, Diego Pavón, J.-Miguel González, Vicente Urios & Miguel Ferrer, 2011 – Summer staging areas of non-breeding Short-toed Snake Eagles Circaetus gallicus // Bird Study, iFirst: 1-6. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).