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Françoise Gérardin’s film, 2003

Apr 28, 2007 / 1 Comment

For the first time we present such weighty material as a 28 minutes film on the site. The video was made by Françoise Gérardin in Gironde /map/ in August, 2003 by digital video-camera from the special hiding-place at a distance of 23 metres from rather low situated Short-toed Eagle’s nest. Please read the introduction (En) written by the film’s author. Some single frames of the film are presented below.

Short-toed Eagle. Françoise Gérardin. 2003

Besides, you can download the video (.avi) file and subtitles (Fr):
Jean-le-Blanc au pays des sorcières. The subtitles (heartfelt thanks to Yves) can be used for the machine translation, if you need it.

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New section about Sameh’s study

Apr 16, 2007 / 2 Comments
Sameh's contact information

Just a few words about a section dedicated to the subject of Sameh’s research “Agricultural influences on the ecology of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in the Judean slopes” /map/ on The Jerusalem Bird Observatory website.

The section, which can be rated as an independent site, includes such subsections as Gallery, Team, Research, Transmitters & Migration, About me and so on. You can find there notes and many photos illustrating the study development.


Breeding in captivity

Jan 10, 2007 / 1 Comment

There are two short notes describing cases of Short-toed Eagles’ successful breeding in captivity in 2006 year on two different sites:

Grefa website. Reintroducida un Aguila culebrera nacida en cautividad

Reintroducida un Aguila culebrera nacida en cautividad – Enviado por: GREFA el Sabado, 15 de Julio de 2006 – 02:43 CET (Es).
Un circaète Jean-Le-Blanc nait en captivité – Agence France-Presse; Lourdes, France, Le jeudi 15 juin 2006 (Fr). – search engine

Dec 16, 2006 / Comment

This is a special search engine for information on different species of plants and animals. Some abstracts and full texts of articles about Short-toed Eagles can be found by it. The search results include some texts that already were briefly described on HoverOverUs • Short-toed-Eagle, but not only them. Also iSpecies uses Yahoo’s Image Search web service and allows to get information concerning the genome of the bird.