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Breeding biology & interactions of STE & LLB in Israel

May 30, 2017 / Comment

The recently accepted article of Guilad Friedemann and others is a result of the study of interspecific interactions between Short-toed Eagles and Long-legged Buzzards and their breeding in the Judean Slopes /map/:

• Guilad FRIEDEMANN, Yossi LESHEM, Lior KEREM, Avi BAR-MASSADA & Ido IZHAKI, 2017 – Nest-site characteristics, breeding success and competitive interactions between two recently sympatric apex predators // Ibis. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/ibi.12498; the Supplementary online material – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Live broadcast of Short-toed Eagle nest, 2017

Apr 5, 2017 / 1 Comment

Live broadcast from Short-toed Eagle nestGuilad Friedemann and the team started the live stream of another nest of the same Short-toed Eagle pair in the Judean Foothills /map/ this year, since April 2nd. As well as last year, the broadcast is available on the Israeli Birding Portal. For more details, also, please visit the Facebook community page of the Israel Raptor Nest Cam project.


Differentiation in foraging resource use of STE and LLB

Oct 18, 2016 / Comment

Nesting and foraging areas of Short-toed Eagles and Long-legged BuzzardsResults of a comparative study of using foraging resources by Short-toed Eagles and Long-legged Buzzards in the Judean Foothills /map/ are reported in the following fresh article of Guilad Friedemann & others:

• Guilad FRIEDEMANN, Yossi LESHEM, Lior KEREM, Boaz SHACHAM, Avi BAR-MASSADA, Krystaal M. MCCLAIN, Gil BOHRER & Ido IZHAKI, 2016 – Multidimensional differentiation in foraging resource use during breeding of two sympatric top predators // Scientific Reports 6. doi:10.1038 / srep35031 – Short-toed Eagle. file; the Supplementary information – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Environmental drivers of migration in STE and LLB

Jan 13, 2016 / Comment

The presented work is available on a website of the Electronic Theses & Dissertations Center. It is based on unique research data of Guilad Friedemann collected in period of 2011-2014. The main goal of the work was detection of the correlation between various environmental factors and migratory movements of Short-toed Eagles and Long-legged Buzzards of the Judean Foothills’ populations /map/:

• Krystaal Moonchyld McClain, 2015 – Environmental Drivers of Migration in Two Israeli Raptor Species – M.Sc.Thesis: 106 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Importance of natural habitats for STE in Israel

Sep 1, 2015 / Comment

The following new paper describes the relation of Short-toed Eagle population to the availability of natural habitats which are being used by them as breeding sites in the Judea region of Israel /map/:

• Ezra Hadad, Gilad Weil and Motti Charter, 2015 – The importance of natural habitats as Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) breeding sites // Avian Biology Research, 8 (3): pp. 160–166. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Thanks a lot to Dr. Motti Charter for sharing the file!


Some videos of Short-toed Eagles taken in April

Apr 28, 2015 / Comment

There are some fresh videos for April: three of them have been made with the camera installed at a nest of Short-toed Eagles in Israel /map/ by Guilad Friedemann.

The last two ones were taken from a distance in Northern Ukraine /map/ by me. Please note that all the clips are available in HD quality.