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Northern Ukraine. STE in pictures in 2018

Jul 31, 2018 / Comment

PISMENNYI K. 2018. Northern UkraineCurrently, 7 nests of Short-toed Eagles are controlled in 3 Regions of Northern Ukraine. All those pairs have chicks this year. It is of great interest to know the final result of the reproduction season in this area. The gallery will be updated after the end of the season, however, now we can see some pictures of the old acquaintances again.


Short-toed Snake Eagles breed in Lithuania again

Jul 30, 2018 / Comment

Young Short-toed Snake Eagle in the nestAfter a 100-year break, Short-toed Eagle breeding in Lithuania has been reported (Lt) again! The last time their nest had been found by Prof. Tadas Ivanauskas in Varėna District in 1915. Now, Eugenijuis Drobelis discovered the nest in the same district near Čepkeliai marsh /map/ on July 23, 2018. This return might mean the species’ spreading to the NW there.


A report on the rehabilitation of a Short-toed Eagle

Jun 30, 2018 / Comment

Although, this paper is rather old, it can be considered as a good example of a report on Short-toed Eagle rehabilitation. If all similar cases were described in such a detailed way, our knowledge on sexing and ageing of Short-toed Eagles would be much deeper:

Moulting tail of Short-toed Eagle

• Theo van de MORTEL, 2006 – Voor het eerst een Slangenarend Circaetus gallicus geringd in Nederland [Male Short-toed Eagle found emaciated in The Netherlands in May 2006] // De Takkeling, 14 (3): pp. 232-235. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Nl).

The article is available on the Natuurtijdschriften site now.


Observations of ringed ST Eagles in Israel in 2018

Jun 28, 2018 / Comment

Guilad Friedemann reports on observations of 3 Short-toed Eagles tagged with number colour rings in the Judean Foothills /map/ in 2011 and 2012 (Grey 62, Orange 3 and White 14). Those Short-toed Eagle males have been photographed by different observers this year at the age of 7 and 8 CY. Small photo galleries are represented on Guilad’s FB page with his brief explanations and comments (Iw):

For example, the male tagged as "Orange 3" is fully adult, although, his parents are still active, continue to hold the territory and breed. It is always a great pleasure for a researcher to know that chicks found and ringed in the past, in spite of many dangers, have become the magnificent adult snake eagles, to see them now as virtuosic fliers, ultraprecise spotters, looking like amazing semi-mythical creatures in the end.


La Plume du Circaète: STE in Northern Ukraine (En)

May 14, 2018 / Comment

The English (En) version of that article with links to more pictures:

Old sites of pine forests are utilized by Short-toed Eagles for nesting

Konstantin PISMENNYI, 2018 – Le circaète dans le nord de l’Ukraine : état et avenir des populations, observations sur quelques couples et individus [The Short-toed Snake Eagle in Northern Ukraine, the population state and outlook, observations of certain pairs and individuals] // La Plume du Circaète n° 16-17: pp. 11-15.


La Plume du Circaète n° 16-17

May 9, 2018 / Comment
Circaète Jean-le-Blanc on the LPO website

La Plume du Circaète n° 16-17 – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} has been recently published. As usual, various unusual events, observations, ideas are reported in it. The list of contents (En):


· A Short-toed Eagle stuck in a fence
· A bewitched Short-toed Eagle
· Disturbance survey
· Interaction with Ravens
· Predation of a newt
· Rescue of youngs
· The issue of balance


· Preservation of a breeding site in the forest of Bouconne
· Behaviour – chronometer: is it an observation tool?
· Success rate


· The Short-toed Eagle in Northern Ukraine


· Tribute to Christian Aussaguel

Thanks a lot to Bernard Joubert, Jean-Pierre Malafosse, Renaud Nadal and all the authors of the bulletin for sharing their materials!


Monitoring of ST Eagle in Lozère and Cévennes in 2017

Apr 30, 2018 / Comment

Monitoring of Short-toed Eagle in the Cévennes National Park /map/ and Lozère was continued by local conservationists in 2017:

Jean-Pierre et Isabelle MALAFOSSE, 2017 – Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc, résultats pour 2017. 17 years old (18cy) Short-toed Eagle male hunts / by Michel REYNÉSuivi des Rapaces forestiers en Lozère et dans le Parc National des Cévennes [Short-toed Eagle, results for 2017. Monitoring of Raptors in Lozère and in the Cévennes National Park], rapport interne C.R.B.P.O./ P.N.C.: 13 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr), Short-toed Eagle. file (En) {rough translation}.

Our sincere gratitude to Jean-Pierre and Isabelle for sharing the report, as well as to Ferenc and Gábor Papp for its translation to English!