Circaetus gallicus information navigator

GREFA news and a video

Sep 29, 2007 / No Comments

We would like to point your attention to some news (Es) of GREFA concerning the breeding of Short-toed Eagles in captivity during the season 2007. You can use the search form to find all materials on the species on this site. Such as Nacimiento de un Águila Culebrera en GREFA or Cría de Cernícalo primilla 2007 including before-mentioned.

Short-toed Eagle eating a snake

The next subject of the post is a link to one more short video of Short-toed Eagle eating a snake. The source is the Videoscoping section of the Stage6 website.


Film by Guy Demolin

Jun 17, 2007 / No Comments
Le Poussin de l'aigle Jean Le Blanc (Circaetus gallicus)

Read please a few words about film (Fr) made by Guy Demolin in 1976 – Le Poussin de l’aigle Jean Le Blanc (Circaetus gallicus). Some extracted parts of the video with few scenes of feeding young Short-toed Eagle by the parents in the nest can be viewed on the Centre de Ressources et d’Information sur les Multimedias pour l’Enseignement Superieur (CERIMES) website. The Real Player plugin should be installed on your computer to play the video directly on the site.