Please enjoy this selection of more or less extraordinary videos of Short-toed Eagles feeding their chicks and hunting, roosting, hovering etc.:
Wonderful photos are also presented in the listed footages.
Please enjoy this selection of more or less extraordinary videos of Short-toed Eagles feeding their chicks and hunting, roosting, hovering etc.:
Wonderful photos are also presented in the listed footages.
Ildikó Baranyi is a wildlife photographer living in Romania. A lot of excellent pictures of the local nature are presented on her website. Among them you can find a photo-gallery dedicated to Short-toed Eagles. The eagles in intermediate and adult plumage, clear signs of the plumage replacement can be seen in the photos. All of them were taken in Romania, including ones of a 2cy individual summering in Europe.
The total scale of collected data in the journal of the ST Eagle national monitoring program in France is amazing and deserves special attention (Fr):
• Cahier de la surveillance 2017. Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus [Journal of the Short-toed Eagle monitoring in 2017] //
Thanks a lot to Renaud Nadal for sharing that remarkable review!
The authors of the following papers studied Short-toed Eagles among other Raptors. Here are the results of those comparative studies focused on monitoring of migrating birds and on distribution constraints:
• M. PANUCCIO, M. GUSTIN, G. BOGLIANI, 2011 – A comparison of two methods for monitoring migrating broad-winged Raptors approaching a long water crossing // Avocetta, 35 (1-2): pp. 13-17. – (En).
• J.L. TELLERÍA, G. FANDOS, E. TENA, R. CARBONELL, A. ONRUBIA, A. QNINBA, Á. RAMÍREZ, 2018 – Constraints on raptor distribution at the southwestern boundary of the Palaearctic: implications for conservation // Biodiversity and Conservation: pp. 1-17. (En).
After the first reports of the breeding of Short-toed Eagle in Switzerland, the successful attempt was observed in Central Valais /map/ in 2017:
• Raphaël ARLETTAZ, Stéphane METTAZ & Klaus AGTEN, 2018 – Première nidification réussie du Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus en Suisse romande [The first successful nesting of Short-toed Eagle in Romandy] // Nos Oiseaux 65/3, N° 533: pp. 175-179. – (Fr).
The article is available on the University of Bern website.
Henry de Lestanville describes in his paper staying of 2 Short-toed Eagles at Brassoir in summer 2016 and the current status of the species in Picardy /map/:
• Henry DE LESTANVILLE, 2018 – Stationnement de deux Circaètes Jean-le-blanc Circaetus gallicus à Brassoir en 2016 [Staying of two Short-toed Eagles at Brassoir in 2016] // Avocette, 42 (1) – Revue naturaliste de Picardie Nature: pp. 3-8. – (Fr).
An impressive number of ST Eagles migrating at Sarimazi, Southern Turkey /map/, in autumn 2018 is reported on the Egyptian Vulture New LIFE site: 10853. This raises a lot of questions about real strength of their streams from Eastern Europe. Many thanks to Gábor Papp for sharing!
Diet and breeding site characteristics of six different raptor species, including STE, in Central India are compared in the following article:
• Satish PANDE, Reuven YOSEF, Federico MORELLI, Rajkumar PAWAR and Ram MONE, 2018 – Diet and habitat affinities in six raptor species in India // Avian Research, 9:36. doi:10.1186/s40657-018-0129-2 – (En).
That is a region where Short-toed Snake Eagles have potential food competitors. Besides, data on their diet and habitats in the Indian part of the distribution area are of great interest in themselves.