Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Old texts of Zebe and Gavrilenko

Sep 25, 2006 / No Comments

This is the presentation of two old texts of the first part of the XX century. One of them was written by Viktor Zebe:

• Viktor Zebe, Oktober 1936 – Zur biologie des Schlangenadlers [Biology of the Short-toed Eagle] – Berichte des Vereins Schlesicher Ornithologen /map/. Just read the translation of it (Fr) from German made by one of the greatest adepts in Short-toed Eagles in France – Yves Boudoint.

The second is Nikolay Gavrilenko‘s work, that is mentioned in the first one:

• Гавриленко Н.И., 1929 – Птицы Полтавщины. Змееяд [The birds of the Government of Poltava. Short-toed Eagle] // Полтава: Издание Полтавского союза охотников: 28-30 (Ru) /map/.
Just download a scan of the part dedicated to all birds of prey on the Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre website.


Yoram Shpirer’s Short-toed Eagle story

Aug 17, 2006 / No Comments

Just look at these pages. It’s difficult to make comments… Many photos made by Yoram Shpirer with the professional equipment disclose secrets of Short-toed Eagles’ life. The title of the main page is highly exact, this is the photographic story of Eagles’ abode:

If you want to see the larger size of the photos you can use URL, as an example:


Bernard Joubert & Jean-Pierre Malafosse

Aug 5, 2006 / No Comments

This is one more general information on the species:

• MALAFOSSE J.-P. et JOUBERT B., 2004 – Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus (Gmelin) 1788 // in Thiollay J.-M. et Bretagnolle V. (coord.), Rapaces nicheurs de France, Distribution, effectifs et conservation, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris: pp. 60-65. (Fr).

…but, Jean-Pierre Malafosse with group of researchers had traced more than 400 cases of Short-toed Eagles breeding just till 2000 in the so-called Massif Central /map/. And their researches are continuing. Just think about it…

Bernard Joubert /map/ is an author of the “Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc” book; see an extract from it (Fr) about the youngs’ behaviour after leaving the nests.


PBase Photo Database

May 17, 2006 / No Comments

This is the great collection of photos including photos of Short-toed Eagle. Some of them also can be found on other websites, but anyway this compilation is noteworthy. Images size is about 800×600 px. Search results on the database are represented below.