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Posts tagged ‘book’

“L’aquila dei serpenti” – Francesco Petretti’s book

Feb 22, 2009 / 2 Comments
Cover of the book «L'aquila dei serpenti»

Some copies of the “L’aquila dei serpenti” book (It) by Francesco Petretti /map/ may be ordered directly from the author: FRANCESCO PETRETTI – VIA RASELLA 155 – 00187 ROMA Italie ( The book consists of 270 pages, has comprehensive English summaries of each chapter and English captions of tables and figures. It costs 30,00 euros (postage included) and can be paid by a cheque.

L’aquila dei serpenti. Extracts (En) – by permission of Prof. Petretti we put here the Summaries of some Chapters of the book.


Vladimir Galushin’s works

Oct 7, 2006 / Comment

We would like to bring an article of Prof. Vladimir Galushin to your attention. Now he is a head of the Working Group on Raptors of Northern Eurasia and also he is a honorary member of the Russian Bird Conservation Union. The work is dedicated to the nesting of Short-toed Eagle in the Ryazan’ Region (Centre of European part of Russia) /map/:

• Галушин В.М., 1959 – Некоторые данные по гнездованию змееяда в Рязанской области [Some data on the Short-toed Eagle breeding in Ryazan’ Region] // Орнитология. М.: Изд-во МГУ, Вып.2. 153-156. (Ru).

Circaetus gallicus. Illustrations of V.A. Gorbatov

And one more text (Ru), that is an extract from his book:
• Галушин В.М., 1980 – Хищные птицы леса [Birds of Prey of Forest] – Лесная промышленность, 160 c.
…with two illustrations of V.A. Gorbatov.