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Posts tagged ‘breeding’

Articles of ROJ: STE in Northern Kazakhstan & Caucasus

Jun 30, 2016 / Comment

The following article and note were published in Russian Ornithological Journal (Русский орнитологический журнал) (Ru):

• С. М. Резниченко, 2013 – Гнездование змееяда Circaetus gallicus в Баянаульском национальном парке (Северный Казахстан) [Breeding of Short-toed Eagle in Bayanaul National Park (northern Kazakhstan, Kazakh Uplands)] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 22, Экспресс-выпуск 953: 3491-3493. /map/.

• Г. А. Лошкарёв, 2011 – Смешанная кладка канюка Buteo buteo и змееяда Circaetus gallicus [A mixed clutch of Common Buzzard and Short-toed Eagle] // Русский орнитологический журнал, Том 20, Экспресс-выпуск 669: 1323. /map/. The first publication: Лошкарёв Г. А., 1972 – Смешанная кладка хищников // Орнитология 10: 364.


La Plume du Circaète n° 12

Jun 11, 2016 / Comment
La Plume du Circaète on the LPO website

This year’s issue of the bulletin La Plume du Circaète is currently available – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation}. The list of contents is in English (En) this time, thanks to Ferenc and Gábor Papp:


· Observations of 2cy STEs in Europe
· Experiments with artificial nests for STEs
· Feeding group of STEs in Minervois
· Unusual start of migration
· Preliminary data on the Short-toed Eagle in the suburbs of Marseille
· A Short-toed Eagle trying to bath?
· STE monitoring in Haute-Province in the Alps
· Protection of a nesting habitat in Vendée
· Setting up a STE network in Gard
· Visual performance of the Short-toed Eagle
· Bad luck for one, good luck for another
· Life of the STE in pictures
· Reflections on flying on thermals
· Data on skipping breeding in Haute Loire – What is the value of observation?
· About prey and feeding
· Note on post-breeding migration at the monitoring site of Eyne in 2015


· First nesting of the STE in Suisse
· Individual variations in summering areas among immature STEs
· Influence of geographical and climatic factors on the migration of the STE
· Seminar in Grosetto, Italy


· The STE flyer is finally available
· 4th Short-toed Eagle meeting

Summary of work in 2015 by JP. and I. Malafosses

Mar 31, 2016 / Comment

This time the traditional summary on monitoring and conservation of Short-toed Eagles in the Cévennes National Park /map/ is supplemented with the separate English translation through the kind help of Ferenc Papp and Gábor Papp who translated the original report from French to Hungarian and then from Hungarian to English:

A Short-toed Eagle female (the typical plumage) in the eyrie with her youngJean-Pierre et Isabelle MALAFOSSE, 2015 – Le Circaète Jean-le-Blanc, résultats pour 2015. Suivi des Rapaces forestiers en Lozère et dans le Parc National des Cévennes [Short-toed Eagle, results for 2015. Monitoring of Raptors in Lozère and in the Cévennes National Park], rapport interne C.R.B.P.O./ P.N.C.: 10 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr), Short-toed Eagle. file (En) {rough translation}.


Short-toed Eagles in Isère. Reviews and galleries

Mar 20, 2016 / Comment

Les galeries : Circaète Jean-le-BlancA lot of information about observations and data on the current state of Short-toed Eagle population in the Isère Department /map/ are available on the LPO Mission rapaces and Faune Isère sites. Foremost, the following article by Françoise Chevalier deserves a particular attention:

Françoise CHEVALIER, 2014 – Quatorze ans de recherche et de suivi des couples de circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus dans le sud-est du département de l’Isère [Fourteen years of research and monitoring of Short-toed Eagle in the southeast of the Isère Department] // Le Bièvre, tome 26: pp. 26-33. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr).

Also, please refer to the latest annual review:

• Françoise CHEVALIER, 2015 – Circaète Jean-le-Blanc Circaetus gallicus. Etude et suivis en Isère (38). Bilan 2015 [Short-toed Eagle. Research and monitoring in Isère. Summary for 2015] : 4 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr).


Video and pictures of STEs in Northern Ukraine in 2015

Feb 7, 2016 / Comment

This video is a compilation of various short parts of the filmingPISMENNYI K. 2015. Northern Ukraine done in Northern Ukraine during the last year’s season from spring to fall. The shown moments of Short-toed Eagles’ life are provided with explanatory subtitles. The second part of the annual photo gallery contains descriptions of behaviour and habits of local STEs as well. Please see them under each presented picture.


Short-toed Eagle in Poland erstwhile and now

Dec 13, 2015 / Comment

August 3, 1935 : the snake is still alive and wrigglesThe articles about Short-toed Eagles in present southwestern /map/ and southeastern /map/ Poland are divided by about 80 years. Four of them, written by Viktor Zebe /map/ and published in the first half of the 20th century, have been placed on the Ptaki Śląska – Birds of Silesia website (De):

• Viktor ZEBE, 1933 – Beobachtungen an einem Schlesischen Schlangenadler-Horst [Observations on a Silesian Short-toed Eagle aerie] // Berichte des Vereins schlesischer Ornithologen, 18: pp. 47-57. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.

• Viktor ZEBE, 1935 – Weiteres vom Schlangenadler [More about Short-toed Eagle] // Berichte des Vereins schlesischer Ornithologen, 20: pp. 28-33. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.

• Viktor ZEBE, 1936 – Zur Biologie des Schlangenadlers (Circaetus gallicus Gm.) [Biology of the Short-toed Eagle] // Berichte des Vereins schlesischer Ornithologen, 21: pp. 33-78. – Short-toed Eagle. file (translatable form).

• Viktor ZEBE, 1942 – Vom Schlangenadler, Circaetus gallicus (Gm.) 1936-41 [Short-toed Eagle within 1936-41] // Berichte des Vereins schlesischer Ornithologen, 27: pp. 2-10. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.

The next paper by Adam Flis is available on a website of the Institute of Nature Conservation PAS:

• Adam FLIS, 2013 – Występowanie gadożera Circaetus gallicus w Lasach Janowskich i Lipskich [The occurrence of Short-toed Eagle in Janowskie and Lipskie Forests (SE Poland)] // Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą, 69 (3): pp. 221–225. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Pl).