Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Posts tagged ‘distribution’

Distribution of ST Eagle in Switzerland in the XX century

Jul 31, 2015 / Comment

The represented article contains the detailed history of records of Short-toed Eagles in Switzerland almost within a century of observations:

• Kéry, M. & B. Posse, 1998 – Auftreten des Schlangenadlers Circaetus gallicus in der Schweiz von 1900 bis 1993 [Distribution of the Short-Toed Eagle in Switzerland from 1900 to 1993] // Der Ornithologische Beobachter, 95: 39-54. – Short-toed Eagle. file (De).


General info on STE in Poland, Ukraine and Bulgaria

Jul 30, 2015 / Comment

Just some articles containing basic facts on distribution, biology and ecology of Short-toed Eagles in Poland, Ukraine and Bulgaria:

• J. Hordowski, 2015 – Gniazda i lęgi ptaków Polski [Polish birds’ nests and broods]: Gadożer Circaetus gallicus – pp. 515-522. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Pl).

С. Домашевський, К. Письменний, 2009 – Змієїд Circaetus gallicus // Червона книга України. Тваринний світ [Red book of Ukraine. Animals]: p. 425. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Uk).

• B. Tonchev, T. Petrov, S. Stoychev, E. Stoynov, K. Velev, 2007 – Орел змияр Circaetus gallicus // Атлас на гнездящите птици в България [Atlas of the breeding birds in Bulgaria]: pp. 138-139. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Bg)(En).


La Plume du Circaète n° 11 is out

Mar 12, 2015 / Comment
La Plume du Circaète on the LPO website

The long-awaited next issue of the bulletin La Plume du Circaète has come out – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} at long last!

The list of contents (Fr):

Suivi et conservation 2 »

Parc national des Cévennes: protection et nidification 2; Suivi dans les Alpes 4; Le circaète dans l’Aude 5; 12 ans de suivi en Isère 6; Exigences écologiques 7; Oiseaux et lignes éléctriques 11

Etude des comportements 12 »

Gestion des conflits 12; Que font-ils au nid ? 13

International 14 »

Reproduction en Israël 14; Feeding ecology 15

Yves BOUDOINT () 16 »


Ecology and ethology of Short-toed Eagle, 1980

Feb 27, 2015 / Comment

Circaetus gallicus (drawn by F. Perco from a photo)The following detailed article dedicated to ecological and ethological aspects of biology of Short-toed Eagle had been published 35 years ago. The text addresses a variety of topics and can be of great interest to anyone who is studying the species. It is printed on 87 pages, has many beautiful pictures and includes data on distribution and conservation of STE on the Italian Peninsula:

• Silvio BRUNO, Fabio PERCO, 1980 – Considerazioni ecologiche ed etologiche sul Biancone (Circaetus gallicus) [Ecological and ethological considerations on Short-toed Eagle] // Natura bresciana, vol. 17: pp. 124-210. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It).

The article is available on the Museo di Scienze webpage.


Conference on Short-toed Eagle in Italy, 1st announce

Jan 22, 2015 / Comment

From the 10th to the 12th of September 2015 the Conference on the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) will be held in the Museum of Natural History of Maremma, Grosseto, Italy /map/.

Under the Sign of Short-toed Eagle

Original contributions on the morphology, behaviour, general ecology, conservation and distribution of the Short-toed Eagle are welcome. The Conference will be anticipated by a workshop on the 10th of September on conservation projects of raptors in the Mediterranean.

An adult Short-toed Eagle with prey in flightThe communication could be presented either in Italian or English, French and Spanish languages and will be published in Acta of the Museum of Natural History of Maremma. The deadline for the subscription is 30th June 2015.

For further information, application form and instructions to the authors please contact:

Ms. Paola

scientific contributions:
Prof. Francesco


Migrations and the distribution of STE in Italy

Dec 16, 2014 / Comment

The paper listed below is available on a website of Mediterranean Raptor Migration Network. To know the latest news of this non-profit community just follow the FB page of the organisation.

Panuccio M., Lucia G., Agostini N., Ottonello D. & Bogliani G., 2014 – Motion capacity, geography and ecological features explain the present distribution of a migratory top predator // Ecological Research DOI: 10.1007/s11284-014-1226-2. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).