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La Plume du Circaète n° 5

Oct 26, 2007 / Comment

La Plume du Circaète on the LPO websiteNext issue of the La Plume du Circaète composite brochure has been released in September 2007 – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation}. In comparison with the previous one, which was printed on 12 pages, this issue is bigger, it consists of 16 pages of text and different images.

Please see the list of contents (Fr):

Suivi 2 »

Bilan surveillance 2006 2; Cas de variole 2; Cas de pasteurellose 2; Migration exceptionnelle 3; Suivi dans l’Isère 3; Suivi dans les Cévennes 4.

Observation / Conservation 5 »

Ponte de remplacement 5; Crises du logement 5; Nidifi cation à decouvert 6; Gestion forestière 7; Veille en limite d’aire de répartition 8; Inventaire des reptiles 9; Lien de parenté 10; Dilemme évolutif ? 11; Suivi par balise Argos 13.

Scandale 14 »

Tirs et électrocution 14.

Sensibilisation 14 »

Plan de restauration 14; Une belle histoire 15; Sites internet 15; Bibliographie 16; Rendez-vous ornithologiques 16.


Network in France

Oct 12, 2006 / Comment

In 2002 Jean-Pierre Malafosse /map/ and Bernard Joubert /map/ managed to unionize French Short-toed Eagle lovers. We would like to point to in a sense the composite work that is known by the name of La Plume du Circaète Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} and was realized in 2003 by the agency of the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (source – LPO Mission Rapaces page). Now the second pdf-file – La Plume du Circaète #4 Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} is available too.


Vladimir Ivanovski & Dimitris E. Bakaloudis’ works

Dec 20, 2005 / Comment

Some links to V. Ivanovski‘s works concerning Short-toed Eagle ecology in Northern Belarus /map/ (all contain summaries in English):


• В. Ивановский, 1992 – Экология гнездования змееяда в Белорусском Поозерье // Современная орнитология: 56-69. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Ru) (translatable form) (source – website of the Working Group on Raptors and Owls of Northern Eurasia).

• В. Ивановский, 2002 – Змееяд в Северной Беларуси: настоящее и будущее // Беркут, 11 (2): 158-164. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Ru) (translatable form).
(source – website of the Ukrainian journal of ornithology BERKUT). The summary of this work can be found on the World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls website: The Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus in Belarus (En) – sixth article. At the same time, mark the first article on the list, that is an abstract of the oral report of another researcher: Dimitris E. BakaloudisAspects of the Ecology of the Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus in Dadia Soufli Forest, NE Greece (En) /map/.