Two young Short-toed Eagles, this time Egidio and Irene, have been fitted with satellite transmitters in Regional Park Gallipoli Cognato /map/ again. You can find the map showing the birds’ migration and also read a short history of the project since 2010 on the same webpage. Thanks to Ugo Mellone for informing us!
Posts tagged ‘map’
Returning of Short-toed Eagle to Poland
Apr 29, 2013 / CommentAfter 153 days of silence GSM transmitter of the adult Short-toed Eagle female tagged in Poland in 2012 started working again in Africa on March 1st. So, Polish ornithologists could mark her spring migration route receiving coordinates of her location each hour. The route was different from the autumn one: the bird visited Greece and Ukraine where she was travelling during almost 3 weeks, maybe because of the bad weather conditions, but finally she achieved the old breeding territory in Poland /map/. Her partner was observed there on April 17th with caught snake in his beak. The female joined him 2 days later.
You can find more information about the project on the Lublin Ornithology Society website and you can see detailed descriptions of the Short-toed Eagle’s adventures on the LTO page in Facebook (Pl). Also please view the migration map:
Short-toed Eagles’ home ranges
Jun 28, 2010 / CommentThe map of known breeding territories of Short-toed Eagles is published on the Home Ranges Map page. Used KMZ file can be downloaded and edited in Google Earth. Anyone may add data. Read please some simple rules of working with the file. Locations of Short-toed Eagle home ranges are marked with special semi-opaque coloured circles.
Some data on their arrival at Ukraine
Apr 6, 2009 / CommentSome data on spring arrival of Short-toed Eagles to Ukraine is available now on the map. The first dates are: 28th and 29th (in display flight) of March – observations of Sergey Domashevsky in Mizhrichynskyi Regional Landscape Park /map/ (Chernihiv Region); 4th of April – observations of Konstantin Pismennyi (Kiev Region /map/, in display flight), Maxim Gavrilyuk and Nikolay Borisenko (Cherkasy Region). Also you can see the comparative data of the records in Bulgaria – observations of Dimitar Ragyov near Plovdiv.
Short-toed Eagles’ arrival at Italy in 2009
Mar 23, 2009 / CommentOn the 15th of March I joined a group of hundreds of birdwatchers and ornithologists spotting Short-toed Eagles migrating over Arenzano (Genua, Liguria) in North-West Italy: more than 250 specimens were observed on Sunday. A flock consisted of 20 birds.
This is a new video by Vincenzo Rizzo Pinna made already in spring of 2009. Thanks to Vincenzo for the link!
Short-toed Eagles’ arrival at France in 2009
Mar 19, 2009 / 2 Comments
This is a picture with dates of the first meetings and numbers of registered Short-toed Eagles for different regions of France. The information was received through French Circaetus network, was treated by Bernard Joubert and can still be complemented. You can also see a map of Short-toed Eagles’ arrival at France in 2009 year (just click on the blue markers for details):
Biotopes. Provence (France)
Mar 16, 2008 / CommentContributor: Richard Frèze.
Country: France. Region: Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
Departement: Bouches-du-Rhône.
Please take a look at the map of main survey area /map/. General description and photos can be viewed below:
A small population of Short-toed Eagles, of about 10/12 pairs, is studied since 2002. They live on the hills located at the east of the town of Marseilles in the area of “Basse Provence”.
The zone occupies an area of approximately 900 km2 but because of strong human activities only a part is favorable to be settled by the birds. Great a difference between hunting and nesting territories can’t be noticed for the region.
The vegetation is made up primarily by scrubland with Kermes Oak (Quercus coccifera) and pine forests with Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) mainly.
The majority of the nests are located on slopes exposed to south/south-east and are built on side branches of Aleppo Pines.