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Posts tagged ‘raptors’

Sergey Domashevsky’s photos of Short-toed Eagles

Aug 31, 2013 / Comment
DOMASHEVSKY S. 2010-2013. Northern Ukraine and Central Asia

This gallery consists of photos taken by Sergey Domashevsky in period of 2010-13 during his expeditions to some regions of Ukraine and of Central Asia. Sergey is an expert of Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre, his main activity is aimed at research and conservation of birds of prey in Ukrainian Polesie such as Spotted, Short-toed Eagles and other species of raptors and owls. As always, some explanatory comments can be found below the presented images. library

Mar 7, 2007 / Comment

If you are interested in some documents on Short-toed Eagles in Russian you should visit a website of the Working Group on Raptors of Northern Eurasia. We have told about this resource several times. The main subsection of the site is free electronic texts database, where you can raise a query for Circaetus and get the result as a list of texts dedicated to the species and also of texts with mentions of it (Ru)(En). There are 35 documents on Short-toed Eagle in all at the moment.