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Posts tagged ‘sexing’

A couple of Short-toed Eagle stories from Belarus

Jul 31, 2017 / Comment

The artificial platform for Short-toed Eagle nestingHere are some brief reports about Short-toed Eagles in different regions of Belarus. The first one was prepared by nature photographer Pavel Lychkousky and contains a lot of beautiful pictures of the birds at their nest. The nest was found in the vicinity of Ivatsevichy town /map/ this year. The author of the second one is Denis Kitel, known Belarusian expert in local birds of prey. The north of Vitebsk Region /map/ is an area of his work now (Ru):

• Павел Лычковский, 29.VI.2017 – Один день из жизни змееядов [One day of Short-toed Eagle life] //

A picture of Short-toed Eagle nest taken with Go ProShort-toed Eagle in flight - view from above• Денис Китель, 06.VII.2017 – Красноборские змееяды: первые положительные результаты [Short-toed Eagles of Krasnyi Bor: initial positive results] // This story has a continuation which is described a little at the Film Studio «Aves» Facebook community.


Full texts of previously published articles

Jul 30, 2016 / 1 Comment

Currently, you can find online full texts of these two articles published in scientific journals in 2004 and 2005. The papers have already been mentioned on our site before:

Paola SACCHI, Dominga SOGLIA, Sandra MAIONE, Giuseppe MENEGUZ, Massimo CAMPORA, Roberto RASERO, 2004 – A non-invasive test for sex identification in Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) // Molecular & Cellular Probes, 18 (3): pp. 193-196. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Massimo CAMPORA, Guido CATTANEO, 2005 – Ageing and sexing Short-toed Eagles // British Birds, 98: pp. 370-376. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Aging and sexing of ST Eagles in the nature

Dec 7, 2015 / Comment

A typically coloured adult Short-toed Eagle female, photo by András KovácsReturning to the important topic of correct identification of differently aged Short-toed Eagles in the nature, Gábor Papp has tried to briefly describe the main characters of juvenile, 2, 3 and 4 cy eagles, and also visual differences between adult males and females. His description are illustrated with the corresponding images. Here is two versions of the text, Hungarian and English ones:

• Gábor PAPP, 2015 – A kígyászölyv kor és ivarhatározása – segédlet a terepi megfigyelések minőségének javításához [Ageing and sexing of the Short-toed Eagle – an aid to improve the quality of field observations in Hungary] // short-toed-eagle.netShort-toed Eagle. file (Hu), Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Posts about Short-toed Eagle on the UBPRC website

Jun 29, 2014 / Comment

A website of the Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre (Український центр досліджень хижих птахів) exists since 2008. Posts dedicated to Short-toed Eagle have also been published on it. They contain texts, tables and photos. The main of them are represented below:

Short-toed Eagle with prey at his traditional breeding siteК. Письменный, 2014 – Спостереження за змієїдами біля їхніх гніздових ділянок [Observations of Short-toed Eagles at their breeding sites] (Uk).

К. Письменный, 2013 – Некоторые результаты десятилетнего мониторинга змееяда на севере Украины [Some results of ten years monitoring of Short-toed Eagle in the North of Ukraine] (Ru) {related post}.

• С. Прокопенко, М. Бескаравайный, 2013 – Встречи змееядов в Крыму зимой 2013 года [Records of Short-toed Eagles in Crimea in winter 2013] (Ru) {related post}.

К. Письменный, 2010 – Спутниковое слежение за миграциями змееяда [Satellite tracking of the Short-toed Eagle migration] (Ru)(En).

С. Домашевский, М. Дравецки, М. Легоцки, М. Олекшак, 2010 – Результаты украинско-словацкой экспедиции на севере Украины [Results of Ukrainian-Slovac expedition to the north of Ukraine] (Ru)(En) {related post}.

К. Письменный, С. Домашевский, Р. Ватрасевич, 2010 – Практика установки защиты от куниц на гнездовых деревьях хищных птиц [The practice of installing protection against martens for nesting trees of birds of prey] (Ru)(En).

• 2011 – Создание онлайн-определителя возраста и пола змееяда [Creation of online handbook for aging and sexing of Short-toed Eagle] (Ru) {related post}.

• 2010 – Опыт спасения гнезда змееяда [The experience of saving Short-toed Eagle’s nest] (Ru).

Rough translations from the original languages are available on the UBPRC website; please, use the special button in the top menu.


New article on sexing of Short-toed Eagle nestlings

Jan 21, 2013 / Comment

We offer you the summary (En) of the following article dedicated to sexing of Short-toed Eagle and Common Buzzard nestlings:

Short-toed Eagle female arriving to the nest. Photo by Jean-Pierre Malafosse

• Jalby V., Malafosse J. P., Nore T. et Wink M., 2012 – Détermination, par la biométrie, du sexe des poussins chez deux espèces de rapaces Circaetus gallicus et Buteo buteo. Comparaison avec les Autours des palombes Accipiter gentilis et les Buses variables adultes [Nestling sexing by biometric and molecular analysis in two diurnal raptors, Circaetus gallicus and Buteo buteo. Comparison with the Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and adult Buzzards] // Alauda, 80 (3): 187-202.

The biometric data on Short-toed Eagle nestlings were collected by Jean-Pierre Malafosse in Cévennes National Park /map/.


Photos of Short-toed Eagles of known age and sex

Aug 28, 2011 / Comment
Photos of Short-toed Eagles of certainly known age and sex

Dear Circaetus gallicus lovers and researchers! Let us, please, invite you to contribute your photos ( of the Eagles of age and sex known for certain. These photos will be inserted into the special gallery which has been created on initiative of Francesco Petretti. We aim to make something like an online handbook to help to describe differences between sexes and ages of Short-toed Eagle and finally to make their field identification easier. Each contributed photo should be supplied with information, examples of which can already be seen below each inserted image.