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Posts tagged ‘trends’

Trends of Short-toed Eagle population in India

Feb 29, 2020 / Comment

Ten Bird Species Whose Populations in India Have DeclinedKunal Kambli in his recent post for The Weather Channel writes that Short-toed Eagle is among the species whose populations in India have declined in last years according to:

• SoIB 2020. State of India’s Birds, 2020: Range, trends and conservation status. The SoIB Partnership. Pp 50. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Unlike others, the population of Short-toeds in India is settled. Although, there are no more or less exact evaluations of its current size, it is undoubtedly significant, and the species is under highest legal protection in the country. However, the short- and long-term negative trends are ascertained on the background of the global population trend estimated as stable. This is a kind of unpleasant surprise and causes of the local population decline deserve to be figured out and analysed in details.


Study of raptor migration at the eastern Black Sea flyway

Jan 29, 2020 / Comment

BRC. Short-toed Eagle migration trendsThe Batumi Raptor Count monitors the autumn migration of more than 1 million raptors including thousands of ST Eagles along the eastern Black Sea coast in Georgia at the Batumi bottleneck /map/.

• Wouter M.G. VANSTEELANT, Jasper WEHRMANN, Dries ENGELEN, Johannes JANSEN, Brecht VERHELST, Rafa BENJUMEA, Simon CAVAILLÈS, Triin KAASIKU, Bart HOEKSTRA & Folkert de BOER, 2019 – Accounting for differential migration strategies between age groups to monitor raptor population dynamics in the eastern Black Sea flyway // Ibis. doi:10.1111/ibi.12773Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Also, other publications are available at the BRC site.


Papers on ST Eagles available on ResearchGate

Nov 27, 2019 / Comment

The following papers about Short-toed Eagle mentioned on HoverOverUs before have recently appeared on ResearchGate portal in free access:

Sameh DARAWSHI, Yossi LESHEM and Uzi MOTRO, 2017 – Aggregations and Dietary Changes of Short-toed Snake-Eagles: A New Phenomenon Associated with Modern Agriculture // Journal of Raptor Research, Vol. 51 (4): pp. 446-450. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Luca BAGHINO, 2012 – Analisi dell’andamento delle popolazioni di biancone Circaetus gallicus e falco pecchiaiolo Pernis apivorus in migrazione nella ZPS “Beigua-Turchino” (GE) [Analysis of the evolution of the Short-toed Snake Eagle and Honey Buzzard populations in migration in the SPA “Beigua-Turchino”] // In Mezzavilla F., Scarton F., 2013. Conference: II Convegno Nazionale Rapaci Diurni e Notturni, At Treviso, Volume: Quaderni Faunistici – n. 3: pp. 133-138. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Fresh papers on ST Eagles by Guido Premuda

Aug 24, 2015 / Comment

Adult male Short-toed Eagle in flight. Photo by Guido PremudaSeveral new works on Short-toed Eagle have been published and included in Guido Premuda‘s Bibliography ( this year:

• Premuda G., 2015 – La migrazione dei rapaci sulle Alpi Apuane: campo Biancone marzo 2015 [The migration of birds of prey in the Apuan Alps /map/: March Short-toed Eagle camp 2015]. Infomigrans 34-2015. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It).

• Premuda G. & Belosi A., 2015 – Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus population increase in Italy: hypothesis of root causes // Avocetta 39: 13-17. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

• Premuda G., Belosi A., Viviani F. & Franchini M., 2015 – Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus population monitoring at the Apuane Alps migration watch-site (Tuscany) // Avocetta 39: 5-12. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Papers of Guido Premuda and Luca Baghino published

Dec 27, 2011 / Comment

Two articles are available in the Bibliography section of Guido Premuda‘s website

PREMUDA G., 2010 – Trends at a roost of Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus over ten years // Avocetta 34: 63-64. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

PREMUDA G., BAGHINO L., GUSTIN M. & BORIONI M., 2010 – Data on spring migration of immature Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus through the Central Mediterranean route (Italy, Tunisia) // Avocetta 34: 65-68. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).