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Posts tagged ‘Voronezh’

Article of S.Sapelnikov and P.Vengerov

Jan 3, 2010 / Comment

The work of Sergey Sapelnikov and Petr Vengerov on Short-toed Eagle in the Voronezh State Biosphere Reserve /map/ is presented here thanks to help of Prof. Viktor Belik:

• Сапельников С.Ф., Венгеров П.Д., 2008 – Змееяд в Воронежском заповеднике [Short-toed Eagle in Voronezh Reserve] // Материалы регионального совещания “Проблемы ведения Красной книги”. Липецк: ЛПГУ. – С. 102-107. (Ru).

Short-toed Eagle. Sergey Sapelnikov. 2009