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Biotopes. Retuerta de Pina (Spain)

Jul 5, 2008 / Comment
Contributor: Javier Blasco-Zumeta.
Country: Spain. Province: Zaragoza. Place: Retuerta de Pina.

Please take a look at the map of the area. General botanical description and a photo can be viewed below:

Short-toed Eagle. Biotopes. Photo 1La Retuerta is situated in the central part of the Ebro valley, east of Zaragoza, in northeastern Spain. The extreme climatic conditions of the area have produced a vegetation similar to that of the North-African steppes. This climate can be summarized as follows: large annual range of minimum and maximum temperatures, oscillating from -10 oC to more than +40 oC; frequent frost in spring; prevailing winds from the NW and the SE (cold and warm, respectively), both with great desiccating power; low annual rainfall (200-400 mm); water deficit over 300 mm.

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