Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Short-toed Eagle in Bavaria in XIX and XX centuries

Jun 30, 2014 / Comment

This article was published about a quarter of a century ago. Now it is available on the Web, on a site of Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum:

• Josef Reichholf, 1988 – Der Schlangenadler Circaetus gallicus in Bayern: Ein seltener aber regelmäßiger Durchzügler am Alpennordrand [The Short-toed Eagle in Bavaria: A Rare but Regular Migrant Along the Northern Fringe of the Alps] // Anzeiger der Ornithologische Gesellschaft in Bayern, 27 (1): 115-124. – Short-toed Eagle. file (De) /map/.


Posts about Short-toed Eagle on the UBPRC website

Jun 29, 2014 / Comment

A website of the Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre (Український центр досліджень хижих птахів) exists since 2008. Posts dedicated to Short-toed Eagle have also been published on it. They contain texts, tables and photos. The main of them are represented below:

Short-toed Eagle with prey at his traditional breeding siteК. Письменный, 2014 – Спостереження за змієїдами біля їхніх гніздових ділянок [Observations of Short-toed Eagles at their breeding sites] (Uk).

К. Письменный, 2013 – Некоторые результаты десятилетнего мониторинга змееяда на севере Украины [Some results of ten years monitoring of Short-toed Eagle in the North of Ukraine] (Ru) {related post}.

• С. Прокопенко, М. Бескаравайный, 2013 – Встречи змееядов в Крыму зимой 2013 года [Records of Short-toed Eagles in Crimea in winter 2013] (Ru) {related post}.

К. Письменный, 2010 – Спутниковое слежение за миграциями змееяда [Satellite tracking of the Short-toed Eagle migration] (Ru)(En).

С. Домашевский, М. Дравецки, М. Легоцки, М. Олекшак, 2010 – Результаты украинско-словацкой экспедиции на севере Украины [Results of Ukrainian-Slovac expedition to the north of Ukraine] (Ru)(En) {related post}.

К. Письменный, С. Домашевский, Р. Ватрасевич, 2010 – Практика установки защиты от куниц на гнездовых деревьях хищных птиц [The practice of installing protection against martens for nesting trees of birds of prey] (Ru)(En).

• 2011 – Создание онлайн-определителя возраста и пола змееяда [Creation of online handbook for aging and sexing of Short-toed Eagle] (Ru) {related post}.

• 2010 – Опыт спасения гнезда змееяда [The experience of saving Short-toed Eagle’s nest] (Ru).

Rough translations from the original languages are available on the UBPRC website; please, use the special button in the top menu.


Migration of Short-toed Eagles in Bulgaria

May 31, 2014 / Comment

These documents (Bg) can be found on a website of the Натура 2000 Ecological Network:

• Ирина Матеева, д-р Петър Янков, 2013 – Характер на миграцията на 42 вида птици от българската орнитофауна според нивото на съвременните познания [Current knowledge about migration of 42 species of Bulgarian avifauna] – Доклад. – София. – 243 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file.

Pages dedicated particularly to Short-toed Eagle:

Орел змияр (Circaetus gallicus) /map/
• Доклад миграция [The general report] – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation};
• Доклад есенна миграция 2011 [The autumn migration in 2011] – Short-toed Eagle. file;
• Доклад пролетна миграция 2012 [The spring migration in 2012] – Short-toed Eagle. file;
• Доклад есенна миграция 2012 [The autumn migration in 2012] – Short-toed Eagle. file.


Photos and observations of Short-toed Eagles in India

May 29, 2014 / Comment

Information about certain species of Indian birds of prey is rare on the web. Short-toed Eagle is not an exception. The following websites a little open a window to the world of Indian snake eagles.

India Nature Watch: Short-toed Snake EagleThis collection of photos was already mentioned on our site. During the last 7 years a huge amount of magnificent pictures taken by Indian nature photographers has been added to the galleries. They show Short-toed Eagles in the local natural environment.

Short-toed Eagle with a branchThe second site, India Biodiversity Portal, is an interactive online database of observations for Indian birds and animals, and generally a repository of information on India’s biodiversity. Normal for such portals maps with points of occurrences and observations, as well as photos and videos are available there. This video deserves special attention: two Short-toed Eagles found themselves on the ground when, all appearances, they were fighting. The scene was captured near the Pocharam Wildlife Sanctuary /map/.


Some news about ST Eagles from Italy

Apr 26, 2014 / Comment

For the first time tracked 2nd CY Short-toed Eagle has returned to Europe from Africa. This is Egidio which was fitted with a satellite transmitter in Regional Park Gallipoli Cognato /map/ in 2013. European observers have a good chance to see the bird in the nature. As Ugo Mellone said, it would be great to observe the behaviour of this young Short-toed Eagle in the field and his interactions with breeding pairs.

Thanks to Ugo for kindly informing us!

April 2014, photo by Corrado De Francesco : one Short-toed Eagle maybe has a transmitter on its backThis photo has been taken by Corrado De Francesco in south-eastern Piedmont /map/ on April 12th. The author observed three ST Eagles and one of them had something reminding a transmitter or other similar equipment on its back. If anybody knows what it could really be or who could be the owner of the device, please, inform us:
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Photo gallery by Bernard Joubert. March 2014

Apr 22, 2014 / Comment
JOUBERT B. 2014. Haute-Loire

We would like to bring to your attention the 5th gallery of photos taken by Bernard Joubert at a nest of Short-toed Eagle in Haute-Loire /map/. Although the pair has eventually occupied another (last year’s) nest for the breeding, Bernard’s camera has captured scenes of the early nesting behaviour of the birds. Thanks to the researcher, we have a possibility to see unique moments of this eagles’ life once again.


Beginning of ST Eagle season in Europe

Apr 11, 2014 / Comment

One more season of Short-toed Eagles’ stay in Europe has begun recently. Observers watched the first scenes of their breeding activity. Please enjoy some pictures and photos:

Pages of Francesco Petretti's notepad for April 5Pages of Francesco Petretti's notepad for April 5

Breeding and survey season 2014 started with a rainy day in Maremma, Central Italy /map/. In spite of the bad weather, the pair was doing its job and this is my 38th year with the Short-toed Eagles.

Francesco Petretti (

At the first blush the pictures by Francesco are simple and rough, but they are accurate and for an experienced observer all the depicted scenes are easy to imagine in reality.

Bernard Joubert, 19.03 : the pair of Short-toed Eagles at their nest : the male in the beautiful demonstrative poseBernard Joubert, 27.03 : the pair of Short-toed Eagles at their nest : a rare physical contact of partners

Bernard Joubert observed the same Short-toed Eagles at their old nest in Haute-Loire /map/ since March 10th. The pair occupied the nest also in 2009 and 2012 years. A special hide allows getting unique knowledge of the behaviour of the eagles and taking magnificent photos. According to a recent message from Bernard, the female has finally chosen another nest – one that was occupied in 2013.

Konstantin Pismennyi, 05.04 : a pair of Short-toed Eagles at their breeding site : the female not far from the nestKonstantin Pismennyi, 05.04 : a pair of Short-toed Eagles at their breeding site : the male with prey

My observations at breeding sites of ST Eagles in Kiev Region /map/ began on April 5th. Like in Haute-Loire the same old pair at first seems to be going to occupy the same nest, for 4th year in a row. Now we have to wait and see what will happen next.