Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Some data on their arrival at Ukraine

Apr 6, 2009 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle's Festoon flight in pictures

Some data on spring arrival of Short-toed Eagles to Ukraine is available now on the map. The first dates are: 28th and 29th (in display flight) of March – observations of Sergey Domashevsky in Mizhrichynskyi Regional Landscape Park /map/ (Chernihiv Region); 4th of April – observations of Konstantin Pismennyi (Kiev Region /map/, in display flight), Maxim Gavrilyuk and Nikolay Borisenko (Cherkasy Region). Also you can see the comparative data of the records in Bulgaria – observations of Dimitar Ragyov near Plovdiv.

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Short-toed Eagles’ arrival at Italy in 2009

Mar 23, 2009 / Comment

Places of the first observations. Map by data of Francesco Petretti
The first Short-toed Eagles in Italy were observed on the 26th and 27th of February in Tuscany. Most pairs are now displaying in my Maremma – Tolfa hills study area /map/. A pair of Short-toed Eagle has been breeding in one nesting territory for 37 years (since 1973) and all the territories I checked which were occupied in 2008 have one pair starting to display.

On the 15th of March I joined a group of hundreds of birdwatchers and ornithologists spotting Short-toed Eagles migrating over Arenzano (Genua, Liguria) in North-West Italy: more than 250 specimens were observed on Sunday. A flock consisted of 20 birds.

Il Biancone (Circaetus gallicus) in Maremma. Video by Vincenzo Rizzo Pinna

This is a new video by Vincenzo Rizzo Pinna made already in spring of 2009. Thanks to Vincenzo for the link!


Short-toed Eagles’ arrival at France in 2009

Mar 19, 2009 / 2 Comments

This is a picture with dates of the first meetings and numbers of registered Short-toed Eagles for different regions of France. The information was received through French Circaetus network, was treated by Bernard Joubert and can still be complemented. You can also see a map of Short-toed Eagles’ arrival at France in 2009 year (just click on the blue markers for details):

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Publications of the Russian Ornithological Journal

Mar 9, 2009 / Comment

Let us draw your attention to a website of the Scientific Electronic Library – You can get actually every publication of the Russian Ornithological Journal after free registration on the site. Some of them are dedicated to Short-toed Eagle (Ru):

Ивановский В.В., 1983 – Змееяд Circaetus gallicus в Белорусском Поозерье [Short-toed Eagle in Belarussian Poozer’e] // Тез. докл. 11-й Прибалт. орнитол. конф. Таллин: 95-98 – Рус. орнитол. журн. 2007. Том 16. Экспресс-выпуск № 389: 1594-1596. /map/.

• Гуль В.Н., 2000 – Новая находка змееяда Circaetus gallicus в Себежском Поозерье (Псковская область) [New find of Short-toed Eagle in Sebezh Poozer’e (Pskov Region)] // Рус. орнитол. журн. Экспресс-выпуск 110: 9-10. /map/.

Березовиков Н.Н., Левин А.С., 2002 – О нахождении смешанной кладки змееяда Circaetus gallicus и степной пустельги Falco naumanni в Прибалхашье [Find of mixed clutch of Short-toed Eagle and Lesser Kestrel in Pribalkhashie] // Рус. орнитол. журн. Экспресс-выпуск 201: 967. /map/.