Circaetus gallicus information navigator

New texts from Italy

Oct 22, 2007 / 1 Comment

Three texts dedicated to Short-toed Eagle are presented here. They all are in different formats and knit together by the authors (Guido Premuda, Luca Baghino & Marco Gustin), by a territory of the researches (Italy) /map/ and by year of issue (2006):

• Luciano RUGGIERI, Guido PREMUDA, Luca BAGHINO, Luca GIRAUDO, 2006 – Esperienza di monitoraggio su vasta scala della migrazione autunnale del Biancone Circaetus gallicus in Italia e nel Mediterraneo centrale [A large-scale survey of the autumn migration of Short-toed Eagles across Italy and the Central Mediterranean] // Avocetta, 30: 76-80. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It) (source – EBN Italia website).

• Luca BAGHINO, Guido PREMUDA, 2006 – Consistente migrazione pre-riproduttiva del Biancone Circaetus gallicus lungo il versante tirrenico ligure-toscano [Substantial pre-reproductive migration of the Short-toed Eagle along the Tyrrhenian coast of Liguria and Tuscany] // Rete Natura 2000 in Liguria: Pubblicazioni – Short-toed Eagle. file (It) (source – Parco del Beigua website).

• Luca BAGHINO, Marco GUSTIN, 2006 – Censimenti dei flussi migratori dei rapaci diurni e altri grandi veleggiatori in transito nella ZPS “Beigua-Turchino” // Rete Natura 2000, Parco del Beigua – Short-toed Eagle. file (It) (source – Parco del Beigua website).

The last work concerns Short-toed Eagle among other Raptors.


Photos of the season 2007

Sep 30, 2007 / Comment
Search results for Short-toed Eagles photos on HoverOverUs • Short-toed-Eagle

Please check out old links to other photo sites to see new photos of Short-toed Eagle which appeared there in 2007. Different scenes, different quality, but some of them are very interesting.


GREFA news and a video

Sep 29, 2007 / Comment

We would like to point your attention to some news (Es) of GREFA concerning the breeding of Short-toed Eagles in captivity during the season 2007. You can use the search form to find all materials on the species on this site. Such as Nacimiento de un Águila Culebrera en GREFA or Cría de Cernícalo primilla 2007 including before-mentioned.

Short-toed Eagle eating a snake

The next subject of the post is a link to one more short video of Short-toed Eagle eating a snake. The source is the Videoscoping section of the Stage6 website.