Circaetus gallicus information navigator

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Jan 31, 2008 / 2 Comments

Let us invite you to take part in common collection of short descriptions of Short-toed Eagles biotopes in different regions. This idea belongs to Bernard Joubert. The project aims to describe the whole area of the species distribution. It should be something like collection of photos of typical for Short-toed Eagles hunting and breeding territories with short notes about the authors, their comments, which will be connected with a map. The test version of it can be viewed here. Please, if you have some propositions, we would be glad to discuss; or as a comment to this post. database

Nov 12, 2006 / 1 Comment search results for Slangenarend photos is a popular Netherlandish database of observations on plants and animals in the nature. Such form of the data keeping becomes more and more useful according to accumulation of the data with the increased pithiness of observations (Nl). All records are connected with the on-line map; some of them contain photos and comments.


Short-toed Eagle in the North of Ukraine

Mar 11, 2006 / Comment

S. M. Zhyla‘s article about nesting of Short-toed Eagle in the Northern part of Zhytomyr Region (North of Ukraine):

• С. М. Жила, 1999 – Про гніздування змієїда (Circaetus ferox) на півночі Житомирщини [Notes on the Short-toed Eagle breeding in the North of Zhytomyr Region] // Поліському природному заповіднику – 30 років – Збірник наукових праць, В.1: 89-93 (Uk) /map/.
– The summary (En).

Also see below an extract from the work of V. T. Afanas’ev dedicated to ecology of Short-toed Eagle and Booted Eagle in the North of Sumy Region (north-eastern Ukraine) and in the South of Bryansk Region (Russia); and just take a look at the maps to get a notion about geographical location of the both authors’ research regions:

• В. Т. Афанасьев, 1997 – К экологии змееяда и орла-карлика на севере Сумской и юге Брянской областей [Ecology of Short-toed and Booted Eagles in the North of Sumy and the South of Bryansk Regions] // Заповідна справа в Україні, 3 (2): 57-59 (Ru) /map/.
– The summary (En).


Short-toed Eagles of Kiev Region

Dec 16, 2005 / Comment

Sergey Domashevsky’s article about Short-toed Eagle population of Kiev Region (Ukraine) /map/:

• С. В. Домашевский, 2005 – Распространение, численность и миграции змееяда (Circaetus gallicus) в Киевской области [Distribution, numbers and migrations of the Short-toed Eagle in Kiev Region] // Заповідна справа в Україні, 11 (1): 45-49. (Ru).

Its summary (En) and illustrations:

Some photos of Kiev Region’s Short-toed Eagles and their breeding places:

Short-toed Eagle. Konstantin Pismennyi. 2005

And a water-colour painting of flying Short-toed Eagle made by an artist Igor Zemlyanskih: