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Three 2cy Short-toeds with transmitters tracked in 2020

Apr 30, 2020 / 2 Comments

Three young Short-toed Eagles were tagged with transmitters when they were yet in the nests in Hungary, Montenegro and Italy in 2019. The eagles now are 2cy immature birds, still being tracked and their migration behaviour is of great interest.


Guilad Friedemann’s PhD Thesis dedicated to STE & LLB

Mar 15, 2020 / Comment

The long field research on two raptors Short-toed Eagle and Long-legged Buzzard in the Judean Foothills /map/ allowed Guilad Friedemann to prepare his PhD Thesis which was published a few years ago:

• Guilad FRIEDEMANN, Yossi LESHEM, Ido IZHAKI, 2016 – Multidimensional differentiation in foraging resource use and competitive interactions over nesting sites between two sympatric top predators – PhD.Thesis: 104 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

An adult female Short-toed EagleThe document available at ResearchGate also contains articles published earlier and already covered on our site.

The research continues and we are looking forward to new broadcasts, videos and papers shared by the Israeli team.


Papers on ST Eagles available on ResearchGate

Nov 27, 2019 / Comment

The following papers about Short-toed Eagle mentioned on HoverOverUs before have recently appeared on ResearchGate portal in free access:

Sameh DARAWSHI, Yossi LESHEM and Uzi MOTRO, 2017 – Aggregations and Dietary Changes of Short-toed Snake-Eagles: A New Phenomenon Associated with Modern Agriculture // Journal of Raptor Research, Vol. 51 (4): pp. 446-450. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Luca BAGHINO, 2012 – Analisi dell’andamento delle popolazioni di biancone Circaetus gallicus e falco pecchiaiolo Pernis apivorus in migrazione nella ZPS “Beigua-Turchino” (GE) [Analysis of the evolution of the Short-toed Snake Eagle and Honey Buzzard populations in migration in the SPA “Beigua-Turchino”] // In Mezzavilla F., Scarton F., 2013. Conference: II Convegno Nazionale Rapaci Diurni e Notturni, At Treviso, Volume: Quaderni Faunistici – n. 3: pp. 133-138. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Continuation of STE tracking from Southern Italy

Oct 14, 2019 / 3 Comments

Short-toed Eagle tracking on the MEDRAPTORS websiteEgidio is an adult Short-toed Eagle male tagged with a satellite transmitter being a chick in the Regional Park Gallipoli Cognato /map/ in 2013. He successfully bred in 2019 and had his own fledgling. The juvenile Short-toed has been tagged with a transmitter as well and named Michele after late Michele Panuccio. The tracker was installed at the end of July by Michele’s friends, members of the Mediterranean Raptor Migration Network: Ugo Mellone, Nicolantonio Agostini, Giuseppe Lucia and Vicente Urios (, MEDRAPTORS Facebook).

Current tracks of both the eagles are available on the project page.

Please read the obituary for Michele Panuccio:

• Nicolantonio AGOSTINI and Ugo MELLONE, 2019 – Obituary – Michele Panuccio, 1976-2019 // Avocetta, 43 (1): pp. 95-96. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


An article on ST Eagle aggregations and dietary changes

Jan 30, 2018 / Comment

The represented article by Sameh Darawshi and others has been recently published in the latest issue of the Journal of Raptor Research:

Sameh DARAWSHI, Yossi LESHEM and Uzi MOTRO, 2017 – Aggregations and Dietary Changes of Short-toed Snake-Eagles: A New Phenomenon Associated with Modern Agriculture // Journal of Raptor Research, Vol. 51 (4): pp. 446-450. (En).


Breeding biology & interactions of STE & LLB in Israel

May 30, 2017 / Comment

The recently accepted article of Guilad Friedemann and others is a result of the study of interspecific interactions between Short-toed Eagles and Long-legged Buzzards and their breeding in the Judean Slopes /map/:

• Guilad FRIEDEMANN, Yossi LESHEM, Lior KEREM, Avi BAR-MASSADA & Ido IZHAKI, 2017 – Nest-site characteristics, breeding success and competitive interactions between two recently sympatric apex predators // Ibis. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/ibi.12498; the Supplementary online material – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Natural effects on Short-toed Eagle migration

Nov 28, 2016 / Comment

Two papers about effects of the wind and the large water surface on Short-toed Eagle migration have been prepared by Spanish and Italian researchers and released this year:

• Javier VIDAL-MATEO, Ugo MELLONE, Pascual LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ, Javier DE LA PUENTE, Clara GARCÍA-RIPOLLÉS, Ana BERMEJO, Vicente URIOS, 2016 – Wind effects on the migration routes of trans-Saharan soaring raptors: geographical, seasonal, and interspecific variation // Current Zoology, 62: pp. 89-97. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En). This thorough article can be found on the University of Valencia website.

Nicolantonio AGOSTINI, Marco GUSTIN & Michele PANUCCIO, 2016 – Short-toed snake eagles Circaetus gallicus (Gmelin, 1788) (Aves: Accipitridae) approaching a water barrier show reverse direction of migration // Italian Journal of Zoology, DOI: 10.1080 / 11250003.2016. 1240833. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En) /map/. The paper is available on a website of Mediterranean Raptor Migration Network.