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Short-toed Eagle breeding in Kiev Region

May 26, 2009 / Comment

Among other articles of the Modern Study of Raptors and Owls (Materials of ІІІ International Scientific Conference «Birds of prey of Ukraine», Kryvyi Rih, 24–25 October 2008) you can find the following:

Short-toed Eagle. Kiev Region. August 2008Письменный К.А., 2008 – Гнездование змееяда (Circaetus gallicus (Gm.) в Киевской области и проблемы его адаптации к хозяйственной деятельности человека [Breeding of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus (Gm.) in Kyiv Region /map/ and problems of its adaptation to human economic activity] // Новітні дослідження соколоподібних та сов. Матеріали ІІІ Міжнародної наукової конференції «Хижі птахи України», м. Кривий Ріг, 24−25 жовтня 2008 р. − Кривий Ріг: 307−311. (Ru).


Some data on their arrival at Ukraine

Apr 6, 2009 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle's Festoon flight in pictures

Some data on spring arrival of Short-toed Eagles to Ukraine is available now on the map. The first dates are: 28th and 29th (in display flight) of March – observations of Sergey Domashevsky in Mizhrichynskyi Regional Landscape Park /map/ (Chernihiv Region); 4th of April – observations of Konstantin Pismennyi (Kiev Region /map/, in display flight), Maxim Gavrilyuk and Nikolay Borisenko (Cherkasy Region). Also you can see the comparative data of the records in Bulgaria – observations of Dimitar Ragyov near Plovdiv.

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Short-toed Eagles’ arrival at Italy in 2009

Mar 23, 2009 / Comment

Places of the first observations. Map by data of Francesco Petretti
The first Short-toed Eagles in Italy were observed on the 26th and 27th of February in Tuscany. Most pairs are now displaying in my Maremma – Tolfa hills study area /map/. A pair of Short-toed Eagle has been breeding in one nesting territory for 37 years (since 1973) and all the territories I checked which were occupied in 2008 have one pair starting to display.

On the 15th of March I joined a group of hundreds of birdwatchers and ornithologists spotting Short-toed Eagles migrating over Arenzano (Genua, Liguria) in North-West Italy: more than 250 specimens were observed on Sunday. A flock consisted of 20 birds.

Il Biancone (Circaetus gallicus) in Maremma. Video by Vincenzo Rizzo Pinna

This is a new video by Vincenzo Rizzo Pinna made already in spring of 2009. Thanks to Vincenzo for the link!


“L’aquila dei serpenti” – Francesco Petretti’s book

Feb 22, 2009 / 2 Comments
Cover of the book «L'aquila dei serpenti»

Some copies of the “L’aquila dei serpenti” book (It) by Francesco Petretti /map/ may be ordered directly from the author: FRANCESCO PETRETTI – VIA RASELLA 155 – 00187 ROMA Italie ( The book consists of 270 pages, has comprehensive English summaries of each chapter and English captions of tables and figures. It costs 30,00 euros (postage included) and can be paid by a cheque.

L’aquila dei serpenti. Extracts (En) – by permission of Prof. Petretti we put here the Summaries of some Chapters of the book.


Short-toed Eagle near Kiev. August 2008

Oct 8, 2008 / Comment

This is an adult Short-toed Eagle female. Numerous power lines pylons are situated in its hunting territory. From year to year they are used by both Short-toed Eagles of the pair as perches for hunt. The birds are not afraid of people much.

Short-toed Eagle. Konstantin Pismennyi. 2008

These photos were taken at a distance of 8 km from Kiev’s housing estates /map/ on August 24th (© Konstantin Pismennyi).


Short-toed Eagle chick in Mizhrichynskyi Park

Aug 3, 2008 / 1 Comment

These photos of Short-toed Eagle chick (© Konstantin Pismennyi) were made on a territory of Mizhrichynskyi Regional Landscape Park /map/. The chick was 6-7 weeks old. The whole population of Short-toed Eagles is estimated now as about 10 territorial pairs.

Short-toed Eagle. Konstantin Pismennyi. 2008

You can read more about birds of prey of Mizhrichynskyi Park on a website of Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre. The information is prepared by Sergey Domashevsky there.

Sad continuation of the story »


Articles on Guido Premuda’s WebSite

Jun 11, 2008 / Comment - Nature - Raptor Migration

The Bibliography section on – website of Guido Premuda – is refreshed with one more article on migration of Short-toed Eagle:

• BAGHINO L. & PREMUDA G., 2007 – Nuovi dati sulla migrazione primaverile “a circuito” del biancone Circaetus gallicus in Italia [New data on the “circuitous” spring migration of the Short-toed Eagle in Italy] // Avocetta, 31: 70-72. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It). Also:

• LUCIANO RUGGIERI, GUIDO PREMUDA, LUCA BAGHINO, LUCA GIRAUDO, 2006 – Esperienza di monitoraggio su vasta scala della migrazione autunnale del Biancone Circaetus gallicus in Italia e nel Mediterraneo centrale // Avocetta, 30: 76-80. – mentioned before, is available there.