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Video and pictures of STEs in Northern Ukraine in 2015

Feb 7, 2016 / Comment

This video is a compilation of various short parts of the filmingPISMENNYI K. 2015. Northern Ukraine done in Northern Ukraine during the last year’s season from spring to fall. The shown moments of Short-toed Eagles’ life are provided with explanatory subtitles. The second part of the annual photo gallery contains descriptions of behaviour and habits of local STEs as well. Please see them under each presented picture.


Two articles on Short-toed Eagle available online

Jan 19, 2016 / Comment

We wrote about these two papers (López-Iborra et al., Yáñez et al.) after they had been published. Now full texts of them are available as well:

• G. M. López-Iborra, R. Limiñana, D. Pavón and J. E. Martínez-Pérez, 2011 – Modelling the distribution of Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in semi-arid Mediterranean landscapes: identifying important explanatory variables and their implications for its conservation // European Journal of Wildlife Research, 57: pp. 83-93. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

B. Yáñez, A.-R. Muñoz, K. L. Bildstein, I. Newton, A. G. Toxopeus and M. Ferrer, 2014 – Individual Variation in the Over-Summering Areas of Immature Short-Toed Snake Eagles Circaetus gallicus // Acta Ornithologica, 49 (1): pp. 137-141. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Short-toed Eagle in the Alpes de Haute-Provence in 2015

Jan 17, 2016 / Comment

Valley of Verdon, photo by Cédric ARNAUDThe regular annual review of Short-toed Eagle monitoring in the Alpes de Haute-Provence /map/ coordinated by Cédric Arnaud:

• Cédric ARNAUD, 2015 – Suivi du Circaète Jean-le-blanc dans les Alpes de Haute-Provence. Petit coup d’œil en arrière : résultats du suivi pour l’année 2015 [Monitoring of Short-toed Eagle in the Alpes de Haute-Provence. Results for 2015]: 19 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation}.

The list of contents (Fr): Résultats du suivi 2015 – 3; Suivi de la reproduction – 6; Régime alimentaire – 10; Migration et dates de présence – 11; IInterventions d’information, de sensibilisation et d’échanges – 12; Centre de soins de la faune sauvage 04-05 Aquila – 12; Observations particulières – 13; Bases de données et sites de saisies de données en ligne – 15; Participants – 16; Campagne de suivi & objectifs 2016 – 17; Site de saisie de données en ligne en 2016 – PNRV – 18; Résumé – 19.


Environmental drivers of migration in STE and LLB

Jan 13, 2016 / Comment

The presented work is available on a website of the Electronic Theses & Dissertations Center. It is based on unique research data of Guilad Friedemann collected in period of 2011-2014. The main goal of the work was detection of the correlation between various environmental factors and migratory movements of Short-toed Eagles and Long-legged Buzzards of the Judean Foothills’ populations /map/:

• Krystaal Moonchyld McClain, 2015 – Environmental Drivers of Migration in Two Israeli Raptor Species – M.Sc.Thesis: 106 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


STE in Switzerland, the historical and current data

Dec 30, 2015 / Comment

More historical data about Short-toed Eagles in Switzerland can be found on a webpage of the journal Ornithologische Beobachter:

• Karl Daut, 1910 – Seltenere Vertreter der schweizerischen Avifauna. Der Schlangenadler – Circaetus gallicus (Gm.) [A rare representative of the Swiss avifauna. Short-toed Eagle] // Der Ornithologische Beobachter, VIII (1): pp. 1-3. – Short-toed Eagle. file (De).

The former and present state of the species in the Canton of Valais /map/ is described in the communication, published this year:

Lionel Maumary, 2015 – Nouvelle nidification du Circaète Jean-le-Blanc en Valais [New nesting of Short-toed Eagle in Valais] // (Fr). search results for Circaète Jean-le-BlancThe following web resource deserves to be mentioned again: the map of the sighting locations is available for the registered contributors of only. However, any visitor of the site can view the photo gallery. The most of the pictures of Short-toed Eagles represented there have been taken in Switzerland.


Flying and visual abilities of Circaetus gallicus

Dec 20, 2015 / Comment

The following two texts are dedicated to notable physical abilities of Short-toed Eagles andNormal angle of inclination of Short-toed Eagle flying up, like the previous one of Bernard Joubert, are going to be included in the next issue of La Plume du Circaète (Fr):

• Bernard JOUBERT, 2015 – Performance visuelle du Circaète [Visual abilities of Short-toed Eagle] //

• Bernard JOUBERT, 2015 – Quelques réflexions sur le vol [Some reflections on the flight] //


Short-toed Eagle in Poland erstwhile and now

Dec 13, 2015 / Comment

August 3, 1935 : the snake is still alive and wrigglesThe articles about Short-toed Eagles in present southwestern /map/ and southeastern /map/ Poland are divided by about 80 years. Four of them, written by Viktor Zebe /map/ and published in the first half of the 20th century, have been placed on the Ptaki Śląska – Birds of Silesia website (De):

• Viktor ZEBE, 1933 – Beobachtungen an einem Schlesischen Schlangenadler-Horst [Observations on a Silesian Short-toed Eagle aerie] // Berichte des Vereins schlesischer Ornithologen, 18: pp. 47-57. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.

• Viktor ZEBE, 1935 – Weiteres vom Schlangenadler [More about Short-toed Eagle] // Berichte des Vereins schlesischer Ornithologen, 20: pp. 28-33. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.

• Viktor ZEBE, 1936 – Zur Biologie des Schlangenadlers (Circaetus gallicus Gm.) [Biology of the Short-toed Eagle] // Berichte des Vereins schlesischer Ornithologen, 21: pp. 33-78. – Short-toed Eagle. file (translatable form).

• Viktor ZEBE, 1942 – Vom Schlangenadler, Circaetus gallicus (Gm.) 1936-41 [Short-toed Eagle within 1936-41] // Berichte des Vereins schlesischer Ornithologen, 27: pp. 2-10. – Short-toed Eagle. file {rough translation}.

The next paper by Adam Flis is available on a website of the Institute of Nature Conservation PAS:

• Adam FLIS, 2013 – Występowanie gadożera Circaetus gallicus w Lasach Janowskich i Lipskich [The occurrence of Short-toed Eagle in Janowskie and Lipskie Forests (SE Poland)] // Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą, 69 (3): pp. 221–225. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Pl).