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La Plume du Circaète n° 11 is out

Mar 12, 2015 / Comment
La Plume du Circaète on the LPO website

The long-awaited next issue of the bulletin La Plume du Circaète has come out – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation} at long last!

The list of contents (Fr):

Suivi et conservation 2 »

Parc national des Cévennes: protection et nidification 2; Suivi dans les Alpes 4; Le circaète dans l’Aude 5; 12 ans de suivi en Isère 6; Exigences écologiques 7; Oiseaux et lignes éléctriques 11

Etude des comportements 12 »

Gestion des conflits 12; Que font-ils au nid ? 13

International 14 »

Reproduction en Israël 14; Feeding ecology 15

Yves BOUDOINT () 16 »


STE in the Alpes de Haute-Provence. Review for 2014

Feb 22, 2015 / Comment

Alpes-Maritimes, photo by P. KERN : adult male Short-toed Eagle with a snakePlease, see the next annual review of monitoring of Short-toed Eagle in the Alpes de Haute-Provence /map/ prepared by Cédric Arnaud with the participation of local observers:

• Cédric ARNAUD, 2014 – Suivi du Circaète Jean-le-blanc dans les Alpes de Haute-Provence. Résultats du suivi pour l’année 2014 [Monitoring of Short-toed Eagle in the Alpes de Haute-Provence. Results for 2014]: 13 p. – Short-toed Eagle. file (Fr) {rough translation}.

The list of contents (Fr): Inventaires – 2; Reproduction – 4; Régime alimentaire – 7; Migration et dates d’arrivée/départ – 8; Interventions d’information, de sensibilisation et échanges – 8; Centre de soins de la faune sauvage 04-05 Aquila – 9; Campagne de suivi 2014 – 10; Observations particulières – 10; Campagne de suivi et objectifs 2015 – 11; Bases de données en ligne – 11; Participants – 12; Rendez-vous pour le suivi 2015 – 13.


Northern Ukraine. Notable observations in 2014

Jan 31, 2015 / Comment

PISMENNYI K. 2014. Northern UkraineObservations of Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine in 2014 which deserve to be noted:

K. PISMENNYI, 2015 – Data on breeding of Short-toed Eagle in Northern UkraineShort-toed Eagle. file, XLS file with formulas – Short-toed Eagle. file; Replacement of the biggest 14 flight feathersShort-toed Eagle. file; Some short notes on Short-toed Eagles in Northern Ukraine in 2014 // (En).


Conference on Short-toed Eagle in Italy, 1st announce

Jan 22, 2015 / Comment

From the 10th to the 12th of September 2015 the Conference on the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) will be held in the Museum of Natural History of Maremma, Grosseto, Italy /map/.

Under the Sign of Short-toed Eagle

Original contributions on the morphology, behaviour, general ecology, conservation and distribution of the Short-toed Eagle are welcome. The Conference will be anticipated by a workshop on the 10th of September on conservation projects of raptors in the Mediterranean.

An adult Short-toed Eagle with prey in flightThe communication could be presented either in Italian or English, French and Spanish languages and will be published in Acta of the Museum of Natural History of Maremma. The deadline for the subscription is 30th June 2015.

For further information, application form and instructions to the authors please contact:

Ms. Paola

scientific contributions:
Prof. Francesco


Migrations and the distribution of STE in Italy

Dec 16, 2014 / Comment

The paper listed below is available on a website of Mediterranean Raptor Migration Network. To know the latest news of this non-profit community just follow the FB page of the organisation.

Panuccio M., Lucia G., Agostini N., Ottonello D. & Bogliani G., 2014 – Motion capacity, geography and ecological features explain the present distribution of a migratory top predator // Ecological Research DOI: 10.1007/s11284-014-1226-2. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).


Short-toed Eagles in flight. Northern Ukraine. 2014

Nov 22, 2014 / Comment
Fragments of Short-toed Eagles' flights in Northern Ukraine this year

These fragments of Short-toed Eagles’ flights have been shot at their breeding territories and hunting grounds in Kiev Region /map/ and in Mizhrichynskyi Park /map/ this year. The video is commented on, please, pay attention on subtitles. You can see eagles A11, B11, K11 and L11 in the clip. Certainly, also other more melodious names were given them for routine use. These STEs occupy their breeding sites within the same home ranges from year to year since at least 2006 and 2010. For a regular observer every bird has obvious individual traits. The video without compression can be downloaded.


Papers of 1-2 years ago are on the MEDRAPTORS site

Oct 29, 2014 / Comment

Figure 1 of the third articleThese articles were published in 2012-2013. They all are dedicated to studies of migration of Short-toed Eagles. Now the full texts can be found on a site of Mediterranean Raptor Migration Network, on the section of papers:

Ugo Mellone, Ruben Limiñana, Pascual López-López, Giuseppe Lucia, Egidio Mallìa, Marta Romero & Vicente Urios, 2013 – Tra Europa e Africa: i movimenti di falco della Regina Falco eleonorae, grillaio Falco naumanni e biancone Circaetus gallicus rivelati dalla telemetria satellitare [Between Europe and Africa: movements of Eleonora’s Falcon, Lesser Kestrel and Short-toed Snake Eagle as revealed by satellite telemetry] // Proceedings of the XVII Italian Ornithological Congress. Trento, September 2013: pp. 142-143. – Short-toed Eagle. file (It).

Michele Panuccio, Nicolantonio Agostini, Luca Baghino & Giuseppe Bogliani, 2013 – Visible Migration of Short-Toed Snake-Eagles: Interplay of Weather and Topographical Features // Journal of Raptor Research 47(1): pp. 60-68. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).

Michele Panuccio, Nicolantonio Agostini & Guido Premuda, 2012 – Ecological barriers promote risk minimization strategy and social learning in migrating Short-toed Snake Eagles // Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 24.1: pp. 74-80. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En).