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Alexander Abuladze’s thesis. Short-toed Eagle

Jan 30, 2011 / Comment

Materials on the breeding biology of Short-toed Eagle for Alexander Abuladze‘s thesis (Ru) were collected since 1973 on a territory of Georgia and of Western Azerbaijan:

• А. В. Абуладзе, 2006 – Змееяд (Circaetus gallicus) [Raptors of Georgia. Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus)] – Хищные птицы Грузии : Дисс … канд. биол. наук. – Тбилиси. – С. 87-91 (208 с.).

You can find the full text of the thesis on a website of the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia.


Viktor Belik: Short-toed Eagle on Abrau Peninsula

Dec 18, 2010 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle chick in the nest. Viktor Belik, 2010

The following note of Viktor Belik is published in the 8th volume of the «Strepet» ornithological journal:

• Виктор Белик, 2010 – Гнездование змееяда на Абрауском полуострове (Краснодарский край) [Breeding of the Short-toed Eagle on Abrau Peninsula (Krasnodar Krai)] // Стрепет. Т.8 − Вып. 1 − С. 125–127 (Ru) /map/.


Bernard Joubert’s 2010 spring photos

Dec 1, 2010 / 2 Comments

Intraspecies communication and contest behaviour

For 3 hours, the 24th March 2010, I am the witness of a specific behavior between a male and an intruding female. The scene takes place on a nest, two weeks before the laying-date. At first, the male “marks” his site ostensibly. An unknown female, interested by the nest appears …

Bernard Joubert, Haute-Loire /map/

Short-toed Eagle. Bernard Joubert. 2010


Papers about Spanish Short-toed Eagles

Nov 20, 2010 / Comment

This paper is available now on a section of Publications in scientific journals of the University of Granada website:

• Gil-Sánchez J.M., Pleguezuelos J.M., 2001 – Prey and prey-size selection by the Short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus) during the breeding season in Granada (south-eastern Spain) // Journal of Zoology (Lond.), 255 (1): 131-137. – Short-toed Eagle. file (En) /map/.

…and an abstract of next one is placed on a website of Ardea – the official scientific journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists’ Union:

Pavón D., Limiñana R., Urios V., Izquierdo A., Yáñez B., Ferrer M. & de la Vega A., 2010 – Autumn migration of juvenile Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus from southeastern Spain // Ardea, 98 (1). P. 113–117. (En) /map/.