Please let me call your attention to this Google’s service. Many people put their photos now on Picasa Web Albums, and Google allows to search there what you want. Of course we want to get new Short-toed Eagles images. If you use the names in different languages, the search will be the most effective. When getting the results, you should click “repeat the search with the omitted results included” at the bottom of the page; and when viewing a single photo, just don’t forget to click on the icon to see the photo’s full size.
Category: Photos › External galleries › Big galleries ›
India Nature Watch galleries
Jul 10, 2007 / CommentSee please results of the search in the India Nature Watch galleries. Images of Indian Short-toed Eagles are presented there: database
Nov 12, 2006 / 1 is a popular Netherlandish database of observations on plants and animals in the nature. Such form of the data keeping becomes more and more useful according to accumulation of the data with the increased pithiness of observations (Nl). All records are connected with the on-line map; some of them contain photos and comments. gallery
Nov 10, 2006 / CommentThis is a link to the photogallery (Galerie photographique) on the Swiss ornithological website A rich collection of Short-toed Eagles photographs of not large dimensions (about 640×450 px) is available there.
Birds of Kazakhstan
Nov 3, 2006 / 3 CommentsPhotos (1024×768 px) of Circaetus gallicus heptneri (© Askar Isabekov) and some information (En) on the traits of Short-toed Eagle population in Kazakstan. Also see the page dedicated to the nominal subspecies. The site has bilingual content now. gallery
Oct 18, 2006 / CommentThis is just a selection of the Short-toed Eagles photos from the portfolio of somebody known as “turlak“. Unusual images of Eagles against the background of the sea could be found there:
Oct 16, 2006 / CommentThis is the link to one more Spanish photo site; and one more selection of search results for images of Short-toed Eagles in the gallery. The size of the photos is up to 700 px. If you want to get new Short-toed Eagle photos on this site, please use the Buscar (Search) form for it, and don’t forget to try the different names: Culebrera, Culebrera Europea, Circaetus gallicus etc.