Circaetus gallicus information navigator

Category: Photos › External galleries ›

Oct 16, 2006 / Comment
Short-toed Eagle. Fotodigiscoping search results for Circaetus gallicus

This is the link to one more Spanish photo site; and one more selection of search results for images of Short-toed Eagles in the gallery. The size of the photos is up to 700 px. If you want to get new Short-toed Eagle photos on this site, please use the Buscar (Search) form for it, and don’t forget to try the different names: Culebrera, Culebrera Europea, Circaetus gallicus etc.


Yoram Shpirer’s Short-toed Eagle story

Aug 17, 2006 / Comment

Just look at these pages. It’s difficult to make comments… Many photos made by Yoram Shpirer with the professional equipment disclose secrets of Short-toed Eagles’ life. The title of the main page is highly exact, this is the photographic story of Eagles’ abode:

If you want to see the larger size of the photos you can use URL, as an example:


PBase Photo Database

May 17, 2006 / Comment

This is the great collection of photos including photos of Short-toed Eagle. Some of them also can be found on other websites, but anyway this compilation is noteworthy. Images size is about 800×600 px. Search results on the database are represented below.